User Portlet User Portlet

Silvia Hao
**Starry Night over Water** Community post: ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
[![cluster of 200 Chinese characters][1]][2] (Click the cover image for a larger version.) &[Wolfram Notebook][3] [1]: [2]:...
> ... seemingly is rounded down by the FrontEnd before applying the hidden scale 96/72 on Windows. Indeed I saw trace of similar rounding behaviour when observing notebook size and cell-bracket. I think the whole pixel-perfect topic worth further...
![enter image description here][1] &[Wolfram Notebook][2] [1]: [2]:...
Yes I'm quite interested in the WFC algorithm as well. It offers an interesting way to generate locally compatible structures. Should be fun to apply it to graphs and [hyper-graphs][1]. Also, the original WFC uses deterministic metric to collapse...
OTOH, I just remember a new feature: [CompiledLayer][1] has got back-propagation ability, which sounds promising: ![back and forward passes of CompiledLayer][2] [1]: ...
Hi Brad, I'm not sure I fully understand the view config you want, but I noticed in your code ``` MapThread[Arrow[{#1, #1 + #2}] &, {viewPt, viewVec}] ``` , which might not be doing what you meant for. `ViewPoint` is the position of the camera...
Thank you dear Raspi! And happy new year to you, too! :D
Love the colourpool one! I think it will feel like a retro poster if some grainy texture is added to the gradient regions.
Wow thank you very much! I'll definitely do my best for more interesting posts!