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Hi, The string structure you are looking for can be obtained using boxes in the following way: string = (RowBox[{"Did you know that", SuperscriptBox["", 4], "He is an interesting isotope?"}] // DisplayForm) In case the... |
I forgot to mention that there exists another way of obtaining `-3 + x^4` from your initial expression. You can use the function `Expand` as In:= Expand[x y^2/x^-3*(x y^-2/(x (y^2)^0) - 3 y^-2/x^4)] Out= -3 + x^4 The inverse... |
@Udo, Thanks for pointing out the issue. This can be fixed for instance by adding If[templist === {}, Return["Expecting at least one non-empty list."]]; rigth after the local declarations of `Block`. I agree about your other point, perhaps... |
I deleted my previous answer as the function I wrote was not working properly in general (I guess I was lucky it worked with your values!). |
Hi Markus, Isn't an assignment missing for nRss in the routine Mloop? |
To get the angle between the vector (1,1,1) and the plane z = 0, you can enter angle between vectors (1,1,1) and (1,1,0) or, using the WL built-in function, VectorAngle[{1, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 0}] The solutions are given in radians. I... |
Another solution which makes use of a delayed rule: In[1]:= L1 = {{x1, y1}, {x2, y2}, {x3, y3}, {x4, y4}, {xn, yn}}; L2 = L1 /. {x_, y_} :> {a x, y} Out[2]= {{a x1, y1}, {a x2, y2}, {a x3, y3}, {a x4, y4}, {a xn, yn}} |
Is this what you are looking for intwtsol = NIntegrate[wtsol[x], {x, 1, #}] & /@ Range[2, 10, 1]; intsol = NIntegrate[sol[x], {x, 1, #}] & /@ Range[2, 10, 1]; wttran = intwtsol/intsol 100 cumulloss = 100 - wttran ? |
Hi, The only function I know about that does what you are looking for is `FromDigits`. For example Map[FromDigits[#, 16] &, {"a", "b", "d", "f", "1A2C"}] I do not know why the function ^^ does not work in your `Map` example. I would be... |
Hi Tal, the function you are looking for is probably `TrigExpand`, TrigExpand[Sin[3t]] |