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Symbolic Integration with units: 
Hi, All x in the integral needs to be transformed, so that thre is no x left: {(a E^-((-c + x)/b)^a)/b ((-c + x)/b)^(-1 + a) -> (a E^-t t^((-1 + a)/a))/b, \[DifferentialD]x -> (b t^(-1 + 1/a) \[DifferentialD]t)/a}This gives[mcode](a...
Hi, If there are no matching lists in LpeakidGRB, Select will return an empty list, {}. Then the rows to delete are of the pattern {_, {}}. The following will do the job. [mcode]LpeakandLprompttotalsample = Map[Flatten, DeleteCases[#, {_, {}}]...
[mcode]In[259]:= sol = Reduce[Abs[2 x - 1]
Regarding the issue with running a second notebook, I will direct you to this document on how to set up a second Kernel.  This will allow you to run another computation while one is running.  Assuming you have a dual core and above system. ...
Hi  Actually, I was looking for Laplace transform, but I think it's difficult.  Do you have any suggestions?  Thanks
Hi, OK, there are a couple of issues here. (1) max needs to be calculated for each f. In your code, max was calculated for f = 2000 and was used for all cases of f.  (2) NMaximize may sometimes find only a local maximum. The following changes will...
Hi, There are two possible reasons: (1) there is mismatch in function argument patterns; (2) the function was not loaded. If all the arguments in the function definition have only Blank (_), then (1) is OK. As for (2), you need to load the function...
Maybe this SE post can help.
Dear Youngjoo, Many thanks for those precisions. Cheers! Sylvain