User Portlet User Portlet

Jack I Houng
Hey Mike, we'll get back to you soon about this. In the meantime, please don't worry about any timeline issues—as far as we're concerned, you've submitted your project within the deadline and that's that.
So you want the current window opened with book1.nb to be entirely refreshed with contents of book2.nb and be named book2.nb. Seems like feasible but why?
Is there a quick way to edit the table of content of a pdf using Wolfram Language? I notice you can Import the content graph of a pdf which is essentially the TOC as a list of directed edges (see Wolfram Documentation [PDF][1] Import Elements->...
Thanks a lot for this excellent post which stimulated me to try to understand more of the internals of the network. In this context, I came up with two questions which I was not able to figure out by myself: 1) How can I visualize the word...
Interesting related development -- [see reference here][1]. [1]:
Very interesting, how can I get the amount of reflection of the sun from a satellite image?
Congratulations! Your post was highlighted on the Wolfram's official social media channels. Thank you for your contribution. We are looking forward to your future posts. - [Twitter][1] - [Facebook][2] [1]:...
It's just wondefull !! How did you now it, thank you
Here is something similar. a node base approach to wolfram language
gif animation of lazy susan rotation view with viewangle set to 35 Degree ![animation of lazy susan rotation view with viewangle set to 35 Degree][1] [1]:...