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Is this what you looking for? > Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 6 Pi}, AxesOrigin -> {6 Pi, 0} , ScalingFunctions -> {Identity, "Reverse"} , Frame -> Automatic , FrameTicks -> {{False, True}, {False, True}} ] ![enter image description here][1] ...
Talking of decimal points, until a few versions ago `GeoScaleBar` gave integers as scale tags, as in GeoGraphics[Entity["Country", "UnitedKingdom"], GeoScaleBar -> Placed["Kilometers", {Right, Top}]] Now the numbers have decimal points,...
Perfect!, thanks.
Beware that with `$Post = N`, integer indices will become real. For example `x[1]` will become `x[1.]`
That'll do it! Thanks.
Perfect, thanks!
Thanks both.
If it is the formatting that is of interest rather than the underlying value, could use `DecimalForm[0.982,{Infinity,2}]` This is new in version 11.2 I think, but there are ways to attain the same in prior versions using `NumberForm`.
If you have an exact number (like) Pi, then N **can** only give an approximation. And note that evaluate something with numerical precision x is the same as giving an approximation, that is the same. As Gianluca says, this: 721134999999 ...
Please also see this: [How to plot ternary density plots?][1] [1]: