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And then hopefully this problem will be solved
Wow, this question was un-answered for a long time (4.7 years as of now)... In this year Wolfram Summer School 2021 (which I encourage you to apply for the next year), there was a project by [Junyao Chen called "Draw a Character on the Street...
I want to say your post inspired me. I'm going to figure out a way to do the whole thing in Javascript.
[This question]( have no a real answer for the second question still now. I don't sure your this tech can solve it eventually.
Cross post [here]( --- Since function `LibraryFunctionLoad` can load a function from `.dll` file like fun =...
The OpenCV provide many powerfull function for image-processing. It can help us a lot. As the [Szabolcs](
So, is there like a "complete code" or a "workbook" version we can play with? As opposed to attempting to assemble it ourselves from scratch? ^_^ I'd love to play with this, at some point. And can it only work with neural networks trained on a...
#Cross post [here]( ---------- A word path means the last character of the last word is same to the first character of the next word.If I...
So, what was the source of the problem? Was is too rough default binning by `ImageHistogram` (default is 128 bins)? Apparently imported image contains no out-of range values: ImageData[img] // MinMax (* => {0., 1.} *) But a naive...
Thanks for your endeavor for my this question.And I think a good message deserve to bring to you.I receive a good solution [here]( based on `FindShortestTour`.