User Portlet User Portlet

I see I am not the only one. It is a little bit strange, I really liked the v 13.3.1 AI settings. And in both versions i used the student and trial versions
I have recently see that when importing data with `SemanticImport` the quantities in the dataset are not colored as they were used to be. Is there a form to change the color? Because now the just appear on black like regular text. However, when I...
Wow this is cool, looks exactly just like in Pymol, I don't know if you are familiar with it, but it looks great. With can you see also the active site of a protein. Cool!
How can I add a column into my data set. This is the data set: dt = Dataset@ { 2, "col2" -> 23, "col3" -> 12|>, 3, "col2" -> 30, "col3" -> 13|>, 5, "col2" -> 33, "col3" -> 15|>, 34, "col2" -> 53, "col3" ->...
**Introduction** The process of star classification is a man-made process, which consists in the separation of a huge amount of data and also in the creation of catalogs. Machine learning has been used in the cosmos to predict, categorize and...