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Avoid Reddit's "Bad request" page using ServiceConnect["Reddit"]?

Posted 8 years ago

I'm sure there's some really simple thing I'm overlooking. When I enter this:


...the WolframConnector dialog comes up, as expected. When I click the "Sign in to Reddit" button, Reddit opens to a "BAD REQUEST" page, with this message:

you sent an invalid request — invalid redirect_uri parameter.

I never even get a chance to sign in. Am I overlooking something, or is there an option in Preferences somewhere that needs tweaking? Maybe a port the firewall is blocking? I'm stumped. I'm not doing anything fancy to get to Reddit. No VPN, no external router, nothing but the hotspot on my phone. I can generally access all of Reddit's services through Waterfox with no problem. I just can't connect Mathematica (Home Edition, 11.1.0) to Reddit.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

POSTED BY: Andrew Campbell
2 Replies

Yes this was a known bug, but it is fixed now. You can try connecting again to see the result. enter image description here

POSTED BY: Damanjit Singh

Thanks! Yes, it seems to be working now.

I'm off to analyze my Reddit history. This should be interesting.

POSTED BY: Andrew Campbell
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