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The Global Terrorism Database (GTD)

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
5 Replies

Hi Sander,

yeah, representing data is more of an art than a science and I am not particularly good at that. I think it's crucial for story-telling with data, but it's difficult to get right.

Regarding the GPU issue: I am also on Mac, but the external Bizon Box was a Game changer for me. I have a couple of them and they work really nicely. One of the examples in the documentation runs a day on my CPU and in just over 3 minutes on my GPU. I'll try to post some benchmarks and explain how to set it up in one of my forthcoming posts.

Yes, I have been posting a bit. I have more things in the pipeline, but it often takes time to get the ok from the sites offering the data etc. I'd also live it if one could embed external videos into the websites. Sometimes it takes quite some time to "get the videos small".

You always have visually stunning images in your posts and indeed use very sexy code to get there. It's vwry nice to look forward to some stimulating distraction every time you post something!

I am looking forward to reading from you,


POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Cool! Thanks for sharing! Are you aware of GeoHistogram doc? Pretty nifty function. Might be useful for visualisations of distributions...

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Hi Sander,

thank you. Yes, I am ware of GeoHistogram, and I have used it before, e.g. here. I often don't get it to look exactly as I want it, particularly if the density of points is low.

For distributions I usually use, well a distribution rather than a histogram, like here. I have used that for the surface of a sphere, too. There are some nice figures for the representation in random matrix theory with that sort of distribution. I look at certain transition/probability matrices, i.e. with largest eigenvalue 1, so that they are on the surface of a sphere. Things like that have come up in models I developed in population matrix theory.

I do, however, agree that GeoHistogram is a very useful function.

I also think that I haven't even begun to properly analyse the GTD, I wanted to try some machine learning on it, now that GPUs are supported again on OSX. It would also be cool to combine the data here with what can be found in the GDELT database from my other post. GDELT also contains data on acts of terrorism, but complementary information. I'd love to see what can be learnt from that.

Thank you for your comment!



POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

I somehow missed your road accidents in NYC post. Also very nice! Yeah tweaking such that the appearance is good can be tricky indeed. I also like the smoothed histograms for certain distributions/uses...

I'm on mac OSX but I have an AMD graphics card unfortunately...

You've been on a posting-spree lately, very cool, every time I learn some things...


POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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