Hi, I am trying to setup Workbench with Eclipse Neon3, current Java IDE, distribution. It runs into the cerfificate (as expected), but after clicking OK does not finish the setup - at least after restart there is no sign of it.
any ideas anyone?
It's been a while since this issue has been posted, but I thought I'd let folks know that I have been able to successfully install the Wolfram Workbench from http://workbench.wolfram.com/update on the latest version of Eclipse (attached).
I have not used it that much yet, but so far the editor seems to be working well. Only got an error message once opening a PacletInfo.m file.
Also, for those using JetBrains IntelliJ or PyCharm, there is a plugin that seems quite nice: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7232-mathematica-support
Probably not as feature-rich as the Workbench, but it got 5 starts from its users.