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[?] Combine 3 figures together?

Posted 7 years ago

I want to combine those 3 figures together be this problem appear to me

plot = Show[
  LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{y, -y - 2 x - 2}, {"noise", 500, 
     500}}, {x, -3, -1}, {y, -4, 4},
   ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", LightingAngle -> 0, 
   LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False],
  LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{y, -y}, {"noise", 500, 500}}, {x, -1, 
    1}, {y, -4, 4},
   ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", LightingAngle -> 0, 
   LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False],
  LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{y, -y - 2 x + 2}, {"noise", 500, 
     500}}, {x, 1, 3}, {y, -4, 4},
   ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", LightingAngle -> 0, 
   LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False],
  PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-4, 4}}]]

enter image description here

4 Replies

There is one extra square bracket at the end. If it's deleted, then:

LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{y, -y - 2 x - 2}, {"noise", 500, 500}}, {x, -3, -1}, {y, -4, 4}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", 
LightingAngle -> 0, LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False],
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{y, -y}, {"noise", 500, 500}}, {x, -1, 1}, {y, -4, 4}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", LightingAngle -> 0, LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False], 
LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{{y, -y - 2 x + 2}, {"noise", 500, 500}}, {x, 1, 3}, {y, -4, 4}, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", 
LightingAngle -> 0, LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False],
PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-4, 4}}]

enter image description here

Thank you very much but i want to combine this 3 figures in one figure and eliminate this discontinuity this plot for continuous flow field but defined with different equation in each range

May be this piece of code is more appropriate:

LineIntegralConvolutionPlot[{Piecewise[{{{y, -y - 2 x - 2}, -4 <= x <= -1}, {{y, -y}, -1 <= x <= 1}, {{y, -y - 2 x + 2}, 1 <= x <= 4}}], {"noise", 500, 500}}, {x, -3, 3}, {y, -5, 5}, 
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", LightingAngle -> 0, LineIntegralConvolutionScale -> 3, Frame -> False], PlotRange -> {{-3, 3}, {-5, 5}}]

enter image description here

thank you very much , this is really helpful

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