Ok, Wolfram Alpha gave the correct root, 0.630231, but also gave the bogus root of about 726. Just plotting the equation shows that the second root is an error.
However, I used Mathematica, and used FindRoot[] rather than Solve[] or NSolve[], due to the complexity of the expression. It came up with the single root, 0.630231 (approximately), and no other in the reals. The function is only defined for x>0.
I clicked on the cloud icon in W|A and got the code that it tried for Solve, Reduce and NReduce, none of which gave the second result. (These functions also did not give the first, correct result.)
Back in Mathematica, changing the method for FindRoot[] also failed to find a root.
SO, I believe that there is no bug in Mathematica itself. I already sent feedback to Wolfram Alpha about this.
The first course of action with problems with Wolfram|Alpha should be to provide feedback on the W|A page. They usually respond fairly quickly.
Also, before the Moderation team responds, it is generally bad form on this forum to announce a bug the way you did, especially with no context.