Hey Wolfram Community. I'm always continually enthused by how concise mathematica code can be. I was looking over my collection of 1-liners and found this old gem. I would like to see any other language do this is as many characters:
Here's the code:
w = {-{3, 1}, {1, 1}};
Dynamic[w = ScalingTransform[.96 {1, 1}, {-1.56, 0}]@w;
ImageAdjust@MandelbrotSetPlot[Complex @@@ w, Frame -> None]]
Challenge: can you tweak the parameters to make it loop around?
And here's code to export the above gif:
w = {-{3, 1}, {1, 1}};
f = Table[Do[w = ScalingTransform[.98 {1, 1}, {-1.56, 0}]@w;, 4];
MandelbrotSetPlot[Complex @@@ w, Frame -> None, PlotRangePadding -> 0,
ImageResolution -> 1000, MaxIterations -> 100, EscapeRadius -> 10000,
ColorFunction -> ColorData["SunsetColors"], PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"], {300}];]
Export["mz.gif", f, "DisplayDurations" -> Table[.05, Length@f], ImageResolution -> 500]