Hi all,
I was trying to solve this following Integration:
p[x_, a_, b_, c_] := PDF[WeibullDistribution[a, b, c], x]
Integrate[p[x,a1,b1,c1]*Log[x-c1], {x,0,Infinity}]
But it did not solve the integral. Therefore, I simply tried to integrate over the 3 parameter Weibull distribution:
Integrate[PDF[WeibullDistribution[a, b, c], x], {x, 0, Infinity}]
To my surprise, it did not integrate to 1.....instad, its answer is the integral form of the 3-param Weibull.
When I tried the sanity check to integrate over the more common 2-param Weibull, it does integrates to 1.
Therefore, I was wondering if anybody has any idea how to at least make the integration of 3-parameter Weibull distribution to 1 in mathematica? I admit I am very new to this software...any help is appreciated, thanks!!