User Portlet
Currently I am a member of the Wolfram Alpha group. I am very proud of myself by adding more contents to this knowledge engine and make it easier to use for people around world. I received my Master of Science degree in Aerospace engineering from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As an AIAA professional member, I am very interested in aerodynamic research for trans-sonic and ultra-sonic air flow, topology, non-linear dynamic phenomenon and combinitorics. I was a former member of the Research Center for Complex Systems in Dept of physics on campus. I began to use Mathematica for many undergraduate and graduate researches and projects. I have teaching experience with Mathematica in statistics and differential equation.
Out of 8 hours I am an active member of local triathlon events and a gourmet.
- Angle trisection with compass, straightedge and harmonic conjugate points
- Find the 2500th digit in 10000! (Number theory warmup for 2025)
- Work with Notebook Assistant on a HMMT probability problem
- Thales' theorem in an ellipse
- A chain of Lucas squares in right triangle
- Animate the optimal set of moves for 4-peg tower of Hanoi
- Trapped knight path with wavy color
- Make e at home with rolling dice
- Radical axis of two circles lying outside each other
- Bridging the Olympiad Gap problem: radius of a circle with two inner tangent circles
- What's the angle? (A math puzzle from twitter)
- Solve an OTIS AIME 24' problem with tree traversal
- Six seeds problem, Markov and Sierpiński
- Companion to "A Finite Game of Infinite Rounds": simulation of drawing balls from an urn
- Visualization speed up for Poincare section of a Hamiltonian
- Find a pair of subsequences of equal sum from two lists
- [R&D] Wolfram R&D LIVE: The Art of Problem Solving in WL '23
- The managers of round table puzzle
- Visualization of a complex number problem with extreme values
- New trigonometric proof of Pythagorean theorem via law of sines
- Find exact circular enclosure of lattice points in PROMYS 2023
- Group theory in Stanford Math Summer Camp 2023 Problem 2
- Isogonal conjugate and locus of center of inellipse in a regular triangle
- Analytic continuation done right with ReImPlot in a row
- Diophantine equation with undetermined terms
- Companion to Rowland's p-adic number video on YouTube
- Use Mathematica Kernel as an Omnipotent W|A API in C++ (Non-trivial)
- The luckiest Wolfram Language code by Chinese numerology
- Explore a golden rectangle with TangentAndNormalLine in WFR
- Seaborn-style heat map
- Find identical incircles in a Sangaku problem
- A floor function equation M421 in CRUX
- ComplexPlot of generating functions of harmonic type series for ln(k)
- Convert arbitrary 2D curve to spring
- Line camera from video processing and ImageTake
- Infinitely many touching circles with compound transformation
- Visual approx. of Pi with AccumulateApply and ListLogLogPlot
- [GiF] Newton fractal with compile function
- Remix: Maksimovich's double pendulum map with concurrent ParametricNDSolve
- [GiF] Ceiling tower equal to a positive integer
- Discussion on ComplexPlot and a problem from Kobe U
- Interactive demo of global temperature by latitude band
- [GIF] Elliptic running man, linear algebra and Archimedes' spiral
- Circle inversion for circle-circle-line tangency
- Circle inversion for circle-circle-line tangency
- Incidence matrix for a combinatorics problem
- Tips to visualize Q-2089 of Mathematics Magazine (MAA)
- Parabola, tangents and circumcircle
- Use CircleInversion on AIME problem
- P-norm and area bounded by absolute value function
- Explore S. Rabinowitz's golden result with ComplexPlot
- Apollonius, Thales' theorem and Orthic triangle
- CRUX 3298: an optimization problem with trigonometry
- Using RunProcess to study lunar arithmetic on Numberphile
- A geospatial data analysis of alternative fuel industry
- Power of point and hyperbola in a Sharygin 2021 geometry problem
- Visualize AMC 12 2014 A22
- How big can Y be? A calculus problem and affine transformation.
- Computational Meteorology: Visualize Stratospheric Polar Vortex
- Solve a Euro Math Cup 2020 Problem with GeometricScene
- Understanding a CRUX problem: visualizing using LogLinearPlot
- The missing radius in a Sangaku geometry: an old Japanese problem
- Configure Red Hat services with web API and HTTPRequst[ ]
- Josephus Problem: queue data structure as circular list
- Computational chess 2: link and talk to StockFish game engine
- Computational chess 1: restart a game w/ Forsyth–Edwards Notation (FEN)
- Revisit IMO 2009 Short List N2
- A Relaxing Geometry Problem
- Sierpinski Gasket with only Number Theory Functions
- [Notebook] SliceContourPlot3D helps solving a 2020 TST Problem
- [Notebook] A Cute Geometry Problem from Italian MO 2001
- [Notebook] Step by Step Solution to Iran MO 2019 Geometric Problem
- [NB] Vertical CJK Typeset with Coca-Cola Care Font
- Abelian Sandpile Model Simulation with C++ and LTemplate
- [Tips] Extract Input Code from Long Notebooks
- [Tips] Filling with Mixed Hatch (New in 12.1)
- Arrange Playing Cards for Phone Number with MaTeX
- Martin Gardner's 27-Card Trick on Numberphile in Slow Motion
- A Problem from Hiroshima University Entrance Exam
- Convex Quadrilateral and Orthocenters
- Excenters and Orthic Triangle
- Circumcenter, Midpoint and Pi
- Summable Areas
- Conic Section & The Maximum Height of Parabolic Trajectories and Ellipse
- [Numberphile] James ❤️ A Card Trick Simulation
- Autopilot Automated Plane Geometry Case Study
- [GIF] Mochi For Pie Day
- Autopilot Automated Plane Geometry Case Study
- [GIF]Breathe (Concentric Star Polygons Gradient) for Meditation
- Find shaded area between two arcs
- [GIF] Concentric Geometry Visual Illusion
- Peppa Pig on Non-Orientable Smooth Manifold
- [GIS] Call Baidu Geoencoder with SN from Wolfram Langugage
- An Algorithm to Generate Permutation in Interlaced Pattern
- Visualize Machine Learning Data: From Python to Wolfram Language
- The Culmination of Moon
- Number Theory Problem in 2012 CMO (created on Wolfram Cloud)
- Symbolically solve a 2012 CMO problem
- Punctuality matters! Don't be late when hang-out!
- A Hands-on Guide to Simulating a Neuron Cable with Wolfram SystemModeler