The image consists of multiple layers of circles in a hexagonal grid arrangement. The layer scaling factors are integer powers of the golden ratio. Seamless infinite zoom is achieved by gradually blending in / out the fine / large scale layers. Draw function draws a single animation frame:
v1 = {Cos[30 \[Degree]], Sin[30 \[Degree]]};
v2 = {Cos[90 \[Degree]], Sin[90 \[Degree]]};
n = 2;
g ={
Circle[i v1 + j v2, 1/2],
{i, -3 n, 3 n, 1/2}, {j, -3 n, 3 n, 1/2}
m = 2;
Draw[ds_] :=
{Opacity[2/3 (m - Abs[i + ds])/m],
Scale[g, GoldenRatio^(i + ds), {0, 0}]},
{i, -m, m}
PlotRange -> {{-n, n}, {-n, n}},
Background -> Black,
ImageSize -> 800