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Rubi - The Rule-based Integrator for Mathematica

POSTED BY: Patrick Scheibe
4 Replies

How to cite Rubi

If you want to cite Rubi in your scientific work, you can now refer to the official paper in the Journal of Open Source Software we have prepared in the last 2 months.


The BibTeX entry is

  doi = {10.21105/joss.01073},
  url = {},
  year  = {2018},
  month = {dec},
  publisher = {The Open Journal},
  volume = {3},
  number = {32},
  pages = {1073},
  author = {Albert Rich and Patrick Scheibe and Nasser Abbasi},
  title = {Rule-based integration: An extensive system of symbolic integration rules},
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software}
POSTED BY: Patrick Scheibe


We released version recently which comes with one significant improvement: It saves the Rubi package as an MX file after the first load. This reduces the loading time for all subsequent calls to <<Rubi` drastically. On my machine, the first loading of the package took about 85 seconds. Loading the Rubi after this first run takes not more than 0.4 seconds. That is excellent news for users that regularly rely on Rubi.

I decided to build the MX files on the users' machine and not distribute them. The reason is simple: Rubi works on Mathematica 7-11.3 and MX files depend on the version and the operating system. However, users of Rubi don't have to care about these details. They merely load Rubi, and the creation and loading of the MX files is done automatically.

POSTED BY: Patrick Scheibe

Terrific. And yet another reason why the teaching of calculus MUST change.

POSTED BY: Seth Chandler

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