Hello. It's my first post here

And this post is about the bug.
I sat and solved some tasks for my friend. I'm checking my answers only using Wolfram Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha, but at that moment I saw very big answer for my task - "Solve the indefinite integral". Okay... May be it's true. Let's check the "step-by-step" solution. And Wolfram|Alpha said: "step-by-step solution unavailable". Why? Okay, how I can check answer? Okay, asked Wolfram|Alpha solve me the definite integral and only after that I checked my answer. I don't understand why "step-by-step solution unavailable" and why the answer is very hard for understanding at Wolfram|Alpha for this integral.
This post has links to the answer of Wolfram|Alpha and to my answer.
Wolfram|Alpha: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=int+x%5E2%2F%28%281-x%5E2%29%5E3%29%5E0.5+dx