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Solve the following delay differential equations?

Posted 5 years ago

Dear all,

I am solving a PDE such as :

Button["Stop", stop = True]
stop = False;
currentTime = "Initialization";
interval = T;
  WindowStatusArea -> Dynamic["t = " <> ToString[CForm[currentTime]]]];
{uif, vif} = 
  NDSolveValue[{Activate[divsig - divsig0 == inertia + fadh], ci, cid,
     WhenEvent[stop, end = t; "StopIntegration"]}, {u, 
    v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, interval}, Method -> {
     "PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines", 
       "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement", 
         "MeshOptions" -> {"MeshOrder" -> 2, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.5},
          "IntegrationOrder" -> 4}}}, 
   EvaluationMonitor :> (currentTime = t)(* ,AccuracyGoal\[Rule]5*), 
   MaxStepSize -> 0.5];

Now, the variable 'divsig0' depends on a previous defined variable, 'eaf', which in turn depends itself on the solution of the PDE through 'uif' like this

eaf = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
     uif[t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]], t/100 , 0], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];

It seems I should used a Delay Differential Equation according to the documentation, but I have trouble to specify the initial hystory function...could anyone help me?

I can send the whole code if necessary...

Best RA

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena
16 Replies

There are no definitions for divsig - divsig0 == inertia + fadh, ci, cid

Posted 5 years ago

here the whole code


c1hs[x_, scale_] = 
  If[(x/scale > -1), 1, 0] If[(x/scale < 1), 1, 
     0] (0.5 + x/scale (0.75 - 0.25 (x/scale)^2)) + 
   If[(x/scale >= 1), 1, 0];
Id = IdentityMatrix[2];
Tens[a_, b_] := Outer[Times, a, b];

ix = {1, 0};
iy = {0, 1};
teta = 0;
ndirx = Cos[teta];
ndiry = Sin[teta];
Vloc = Array[Subscript[v, ##] &, {2, 2}];
Vloc[[1 ;; 2, 1]] = {ndirx, ndiry};
Vloc[[1 ;; 2, 2]] = {-ndiry, ndirx};
V = Vloc;
rcell = 5*10^(-6);
cell = ImplicitRegion[((x)^2 + (y)^2 <= rcell^2), {x, y}];
substrate = 
  ImplicitRegion[-40*10^(-6) < x < 40*10^(-6) && -40*10^(-6) < y < 
     40*10^(-6), {x, y}];
cellcenter = {0, 0};

rigid = c1hs[-x + 8*10^(-5), 10^(-14)];
soft = c1hs[x - 8*10^(-5), 10^(-14)];
pillarsdist = 10*10^(-6);
rpillars = 1 10^(-6);
lspillars = 
  N[Table[(x - i)^2 + (y - j)^2 - rpillars^2, {i, -pillarsdist, 
     pillarsdist, pillarsdist}, {j, -pillarsdist, pillarsdist, 
pillarscenters = 
  Table[{i, j}, {i, -pillarsdist, pillarsdist, 
    pillarsdist}, {j, -pillarsdist, pillarsdist, pillarsdist}];
pillars2cell = 
  Table[pillarscenters[[i, j]] - cellcenter, {i, 
    Dimensions[pillarscenters][[1]]}, {j, 
Normpillars2cell = 
  Table[Norm[pillars2cell[[i, j]]], {i, 
    Dimensions[pillarscenters][[1]]}, {j, 
pillarsangles = 
  Table[ArcTan[pillars2cell[[i, j]][[1]], 
    pillars2cell[[i, j]][[2]]], {i, 
    Dimensions[pillarscenters][[1]]}, {j, 
pillars = 
  Table[c1hs[-lspillars[[i, j]], 1 10^(-30)], {i, 
    Dimensions[lspillars][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[lspillars][[2]]}];

alpha = pillarsangles;
beta = Pi/10;
nppodx = Table[
   Cos[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
nppody = Table[
   Sin[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
nppod = Table[{nppodx[[i, j]], nppody[[i, j]]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
xd = Table[
   x*nppodx[[i, j]] + y*nppody[[i, j]], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
lscone = N[
   Table[Sqrt[(x - xd[[i, j]]*nppodx[[i, j]])^2 + (y - 
          xd[[i, j]]*nppody[[i, j]])^2] - Tan[beta]*xd[[i, j]], {i, 
     Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}]];
ppods = Table[
   c1hs[-lscone[[i, j]], 10^(-14)], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 

xcontour = 
  Table[rcell Cos[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
ycontour = 
  Table[rcell Sin[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
pcontour = 
  Table[{xcontour[[i, j]], ycontour[[i, j]]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
phi = ArcTan[x, y];
irx = Cos[phi];
iry = Sin[phi];
eax = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] != 0, 
    Norm[(pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]] - pcontour[[i, j]][[1]])/rcell],
     0], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
eay = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[2]] != 0, 
    Norm[(pillarscenters[[i, j]][[2]] - pcontour[[i, j]][[2]])/rcell],
     0], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
alphaf = 0.04;
alphar = 0.01;
T = 60;
ea = Sin[2*Pi*t/T];
dea = D[ea, t];
eaf = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
      uif[t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]], t/100 , 0], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
ear = Table[{eax[[i, j]] ea c1hs[ea, 10^(-6)], 
    eay[[i, j]] ea c1hs[ea, 10^(-6)]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];

mesh = ToElementMesh[cell, MaxCellMeasure -> {"Length" -> 1 10^(-6)}, 
  "BoundaryMeshGenerator" -> "Continuation"]

Ecell = 10^4;
EY1 = Ecell(**rigid+(Ecell/10)*soft*);
EY2 = Ecell/7;
nu12 = 0.3;
nu21 = 0.3;
G12 = EY1/(2*(1 + nu12));
ro = 1000;

lzonef = 2*10^(-6);
lzoner = -2*10^(-6);
zonef = c1hs[(x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]]) - lzonef, 10^(-12)];
zoner = c1hs[-(x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]]) + lzoner, 
muv = 10^(16);
mustab = 10^(3);
mupil = 10^(9);
fadhf = muv*zonef*
   c1hs[-dea, 10^(-10)] {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fadhr = muv*zoner*
   c1hs[dea, 10^(-10)] {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fstab = mustab {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fpillars = mupil {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]}*soft;
fadh = fadhf + fadhr + fstab;

mechprop = {Y -> EY1, \[Nu] -> nu12, rho -> ro};
\[Lambda]dp = Y \[Nu]/(1 + \[Nu])/(1 - 2 \[Nu]);
\[Lambda] = Y \[Nu]/(1 - \[Nu]^2);
\[Mu] = Y/2/(1 + \[Nu]);
\[CurlyEpsilon] = {{ix.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}], 
    1/2 (iy.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 
       ix.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}])}, {1/
     2 (iy.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 
       ix.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}]), 
    iy.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}]}};
\[CurlyEpsilon]0 = -ppods[[1, 1]] (eaf[[1, 
     1]]) ((x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]])/
      10^(-6))^2 {{nppodx[[1, 1]] nppodx[[1, 1]], 
     nppodx[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]]}, {nppodx[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]], 
     nppody[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]]}};

\[Sigma] = \[Lambda] Tr[\[CurlyEpsilon]] Id + 
   2 \[Mu] (\[CurlyEpsilon]);
\[Sigma]0 = \[Lambda] Tr[\[CurlyEpsilon]0] Id + 
   2 \[Mu] (\[CurlyEpsilon]0);
divsig = {Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma].ix), {x, y}], 
    Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma].iy), {x, y}]} /. mechprop;
divsig0 = {Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma]0.ix), {x, y}], 
    Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma]0.iy), {x, y}]} /. mechprop;
inertia = 
  rho {D[u[t, x, y], {t, 2}], D[v[t, x, y], {t, 2}]} /. mechprop;

ci = {u[0, x, y] == 0., v[0, x, y] == 0.};
cid = {Derivative[1, 0, 0][u][0, x, y] == 0, 
   Derivative[1, 0, 0][v][0, x, y] == 0};

Button["Stop", stop = True]
stop = False;
currentTime = "Initialization";
interval = T;
  WindowStatusArea -> Dynamic["t = " <> ToString[CForm[currentTime]]]];
{uif, vif} = 
  NDSolveValue[{Activate[divsig - divsig0 == inertia + fadh], ci, cid,
     WhenEvent[stop, end = t; "StopIntegration"]}, {u, 
    v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, interval}, Method -> {
     "PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines", 
       "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement", 
         "MeshOptions" -> {"MeshOrder" -> 2, "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.5},
          "IntegrationOrder" -> 4}}}, 
   EvaluationMonitor :> (currentTime = t)(* ,AccuracyGoal\[Rule]5*), 
   MaxStepSize -> 0.5];
POSTED BY: Rachele Allena

Here you can use the iteration method. I checked that the solution quickly converged. An example with three iterations

uif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
vif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
kf = 3; tf = 10;

Do[{uif[i], vif[i]} = 
      divsig - (divsig0 /. uif -> uif[i - 1]) == inertia + fadh], ci, 
     cid}, {u, v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, tf}, 
    Method -> {"PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines", 
        "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement", 
          "MeshOptions" -> {"MeshOrder" -> 2, 
            "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.5}, "IntegrationOrder" -> 4}}}, 
    MaxStepSize -> 0.5];, {i, 1, kf}]

Table[ContourPlot[uif[kf][t, x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  PlotLegends -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap", 
  Contours -> 20, PlotLabel -> Row[{"t=", t}]], {t, 2, tf, 2}]


Posted 5 years ago


Thank you very much for the suggestion. However, when I run the code, it computes correctly up to tf = 10 but it does not stop and cannot post process the results.

Do you have any idea why?

Thanks rachele

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena
Posted 5 years ago

It is bizarre, when I open the file from scratch, it is not working anymore... I'll try to fix it, but actually even when it worked, it was very slow...was it the same on your machine?

Thanks rachele

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena

Check $Version and correct ArcTan::indet: Indeterminate expression ArcTan[0,0] encountered.

Posted 5 years ago

This normally shouldn't cause any problem for the NDSolve command, it is just a warning and it is additionally not used in the NDSolve

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena
Posted 5 years ago

I resend you the code as I updated it from your last suggestion


c1hs[x_, scale_] = 
  If[(x/scale > -1), 1, 0] If[(x/scale < 1), 1, 
     0] (0.5 + x/scale (0.75 - 0.25 (x/scale)^2)) + 
   If[(x/scale >= 1), 1, 0];
Id = IdentityMatrix[2];
Tens[a_, b_] := Outer[Times, a, b];

ix = {1, 0};
iy = {0, 1};
teta = 0;
ndirx = Cos[teta];
ndiry = Sin[teta];
Vloc = Array[Subscript[v, ##] &, {2, 2}];
Vloc[[1 ;; 2, 1]] = {ndirx, ndiry};
Vloc[[1 ;; 2, 2]] = {-ndiry, ndirx};
V = Vloc;
rcell = 5*10^(-6);
cell = ImplicitRegion[((x)^2 + (y)^2 <= rcell^2), {x, y}];
substrate = 
  ImplicitRegion[-40*10^(-6) < x < 40*10^(-6) && -40*10^(-6) < y < 
     40*10^(-6), {x, y}];
cellcenter = {0, 0};

rigid = c1hs[-x + 8*10^(-5), 10^(-14)];
soft = c1hs[x - 8*10^(-5), 10^(-14)];
pillarsdist = 10*10^(-6);
rpillars = 1 10^(-6);
lspillars = 
  N[Table[(x - i)^2 + (y - j)^2 - rpillars^2, {i, -pillarsdist, 
     pillarsdist, pillarsdist}, {j, -pillarsdist, pillarsdist, 
pillarscenters = 
  Table[{i, j}, {i, -pillarsdist, pillarsdist, 
    pillarsdist}, {j, -pillarsdist, pillarsdist, pillarsdist}];
pillars2cell = 
  Table[pillarscenters[[i, j]] - cellcenter, {i, 
    Dimensions[pillarscenters][[1]]}, {j, 
Normpillars2cell = 
  Table[Norm[pillars2cell[[i, j]]], {i, 
    Dimensions[pillarscenters][[1]]}, {j, 
pillarsangles = 
  Table[ArcTan[pillars2cell[[i, j]][[1]], 
    pillars2cell[[i, j]][[2]]], {i, 
    Dimensions[pillarscenters][[1]]}, {j, 
pillars = 
  Table[c1hs[-lspillars[[i, j]], 1 10^(-30)], {i, 
    Dimensions[lspillars][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[lspillars][[2]]}];

alpha = pillarsangles;
beta = Pi/10;
nppodx = Table[
   Cos[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
nppody = Table[
   Sin[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
nppod = Table[{nppodx[[i, j]], nppody[[i, j]]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
xd = Table[
   x*nppodx[[i, j]] + y*nppody[[i, j]], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
lscone = N[
   Table[Sqrt[(x - xd[[i, j]]*nppodx[[i, j]])^2 + (y - 
          xd[[i, j]]*nppody[[i, j]])^2] - Tan[beta]*xd[[i, j]], {i, 
     Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}]];
ppods = Table[
   c1hs[-lscone[[i, j]], 10^(-14)], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 

xcontour = 
  Table[rcell Cos[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
ycontour = 
  Table[rcell Sin[alpha[[i, j]]], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, 
pcontour = 
  Table[{xcontour[[i, j]], ycontour[[i, j]]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
phi = ArcTan[x, y];
irx = Cos[phi];
iry = Sin[phi];

eax = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] != 0, 
    Norm[(pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]] - pcontour[[i, j]][[1]])/rcell],
     0], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
eay = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[2]] != 0, 
    Norm[(pillarscenters[[i, j]][[2]] - pcontour[[i, j]][[2]])/rcell],
     0], {i, Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
alphaf = 0.04;
alphar = 0.01;
T = 60;
ea = Sin[2*Pi*t/T];
dea = D[ea, t];
eaf = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
      uif[kf][t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > 
     pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]], t/100 , 0], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
ear = Table[{eax[[i, j]] ea c1hs[ea, 10^(-6)], 
    eay[[i, j]] ea c1hs[ea, 10^(-6)]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];

mesh = ToElementMesh[cell, MaxCellMeasure -> {"Length" -> 1 10^(-6)}, 
  "BoundaryMeshGenerator" -> "Continuation"]

Ecell = 10^4;
EY1 = Ecell(**rigid+(Ecell/10)*soft*);
EY2 = Ecell/7;
nu12 = 0.3;
nu21 = 0.3;
G12 = EY1/(2*(1 + nu12));
ro = 1000;

lzonef = 2*10^(-6);
lzoner = -2*10^(-6);
(*zonef=c1hs[(x ndirx+y ndiry)-lzonef,10^(-12)];
zoner=c1hs[-(x ndirx+y ndiry)+lzoner,10^(-12)];*)

zonef = c1hs[(x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]]) - lzonef, 10^(-12)];
zoner = c1hs[-(x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]]) + lzoner, 
muv = 10^(16);
mustab = 10^(3);
mupil = 10^(9);
fadhf = muv*zonef*
   c1hs[-dea, 10^(-10)] {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fadhr = muv*zoner*
   c1hs[dea, 10^(-10)] {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fstab = mustab {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fpillars = mupil {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]}*soft;
fadh = fadhf + fadhr + fstab;


mechprop = {Y -> EY1, \[Nu] -> nu12, rho -> ro};
\[Lambda]dp = Y \[Nu]/(1 + \[Nu])/(1 - 2 \[Nu]);
\[Lambda] = Y \[Nu]/(1 - \[Nu]^2);
\[Mu] = Y/2/(1 + \[Nu]);
\[CurlyEpsilon] = {{ix.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}], 
    1/2 (iy.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 
       ix.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}])}, {1/
     2 (iy.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 
       ix.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}]), 
    iy.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}]}};
\[CurlyEpsilon]0 = -ppods[[1, 1]] (eaf[[1, 
     1]]) ((x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]])/
      10^(-6))^2 {{nppodx[[1, 1]] nppodx[[1, 1]], 
     nppodx[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]]}, {nppodx[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]], 
     nppody[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]]}};
(*\[CurlyEpsilon]0=-ppods[[1,1]]ea((x nppodx[[1,1]]+y \
nppody[[1,1]])/10^(-6))^2{{nppodx[[1,1]] nppodx[[1,1]],nppodx[[1,1]] \
nppody[[1,1]]},{nppodx[[1,1]] nppody[[1,1]],nppody[[1,1]] \

\[Sigma]=Sum[IS0[[a,b]] \
Sum[IS1[[a,b]] \
\[Sigma]0=Sum[IS0[[a,b]] \
Sum[IS1[[a,b]] \
\[Sigma] = \[Lambda] Tr[\
\[CurlyEpsilon]] Id + 2 \[Mu] (\[CurlyEpsilon]);
\[Sigma]0 = \[Lambda] Tr[\[CurlyEpsilon]0] Id + 
   2 \[Mu] (\[CurlyEpsilon]0);
divsig = {Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma].ix), {x, y}], 
    Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma].iy), {x, y}]} /. mechprop;
divsig0 = {Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma]0.ix), {x, y}], 
    Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma]0.iy), {x, y}]} /. mechprop;
inertia = 
  rho {D[u[t, x, y], {t, 2}], D[v[t, x, y], {t, 2}]} /. mechprop;

ci = {u[0, x, y] == 0., v[0, x, y] == 0.};
cid = {Derivative[1, 0, 0][u][0, x, y] == 0, 
   Derivative[1, 0, 0][v][0, x, y] == 0};

uif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
vif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
kf = 1;
tf = 15;
currentTime = "Initialization";
  WindowStatusArea -> Dynamic["t = " <> ToString[CForm[currentTime]]]];
Do[{uif[i], vif[i]} = 
      divsig - (divsig0 /. uif -> uif[i - 1]) == inertia + fadh], ci, 
     cid}, {u, v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, tf}, 
    Method -> {"PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines", 
        "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement", 
          "MeshOptions" -> {"MeshOrder" -> 1, 
            "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.5}, "IntegrationOrder" -> 4}}}, 
    EvaluationMonitor :> (currentTime = t), MaxStepSize -> 0.5];, {i, 
  1, kf}]
POSTED BY: Rachele Allena

Remove all unnecessary. The last lines of code should be such

ci = {u[0, x, y] == 0., v[0, x, y] == 0.};
cid = {Derivative[1, 0, 0][u][0, x, y] == 0, 
   Derivative[1, 0, 0][v][0, x, y] == 0};
uif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
vif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
kf = 2; tf = 15;
Do[{uif[i], vif[i]} = 
      divsig - (divsig0 /. uif -> uif[i - 1]) == inertia + fadh], ci, 
     cid}, {u, v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, tf}, 
    Method -> {"PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines", 
        "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement", 
          "MeshOptions" -> {"MeshOrder" -> 2, 
            "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.5}, "IntegrationOrder" -> 4}}}, 
    MaxStepSize -> 0.5];, {i, 1, kf}]

Run the code and make sure the solution on the first and second iteration is different at t>10.4. Therefore it is necessary to increase kf.

Table[ContourPlot[uif[kf][t, x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  PlotLegends -> Automatic, ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap", 
  Contours -> 20, PlotLabel -> Row[{"t=", t}]], {t, 2, tf, 2}]
Plot[Evaluate[Table[uif[i][t, -2*10^-6, -2*10^-6], {i, 1, kf}]], {t, 
  0, tf}, AxesLabel -> {"t", "u"}]


Posted 5 years ago


I tried again, but still not working even by simplifying as you said the code. I get this error

NDSolveValue::femcnsd: The PDE coefficient 7.14286*10^15 <<3>>+3.84615*10^15 <<1>>^2 <<1>> (<<1>>)-1.55408*10^16 (-0.707107 x-0.707107 y) If[-(1/(200000 Sqrt[2]))+uif[0][3][t,-(1/(200000 Sqrt[2])),-(1/(200000 Sqrt[2]))]>-(1/100000),t/100,0] (-1. If[100000000000000 (Times[<<2>>]+Times[<<2>>])>=1,1,0]-1. (0.5 +1.*10^14 (0.32492 Plus[<<2>>]-1. Power[<<2>>]) (0.75 -2.5*10^27 Power[<<2>>])) If[100000000000000 (Times[<<2>>]+Times[<<2>>])>-1,1,0] If[100000000000000 (Times[<<2>>]+Times[<<2>>])<1,1,0]) does not evaluate to a numeric scalar at the coordinate {-2.34045*10^-6,-4.24011*10^-6}; it evaluated to 0. +7.23139*10^10 If[-3.53553*10^-6+uif[0.][3.][0.,-3.53553*10^-6,-3.53553*10^-6]>-0.00001,0. 0.01,0.] instead.

Set::shape: Lists {uif[i],vif[i]} and NDSolveValue[{<<1>>},{u,v},{x,y}\[Element]ElementMesh[{{5.*10^-6,1.046*10^-21},{4.95417*10^-6,6.75457*10^-7},{4.80783*10^-6,1.37285*10^-6},<<45>>,{-4.32484*10^-6,1.63214*10^-7},{-1.63214*10^-7,-4.32484*10^-6},<<1155>>},{<<1>>},{<<1>>},{<<1>>}],<<1>>,Method->{PDEDiscretization->{MethodOfLines,SpatialDiscretization->{FiniteElement,Rule[<<2>>],Rule[<<2>>]}}},MaxStepSize->0.5] are not the same shape.
POSTED BY: Rachele Allena

Check $Version. My version "11.3.0 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (March 7, 2018)" works good. I calculated 8 iterations. The process branches at t>10.4. I attach the file.

Posted 5 years ago

Actually it works like this, but the problem is that the line

eaf = Table[
   If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
      uif[t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > 
     pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]], t/100, 0], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];

is wrong because one needs to write

 eaf = Table[
       If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
          uif[[kf]t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > 
         pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]], t/100, 0], {i, 
        Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];

since with the iteration method, uif depends now on kf too. Am I right? Then withis change, it does not work anymore...

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena

No, you're not right, we made this replacement in (divsig0 /. uif -> uif[i - 1]) in line Do[…]. If you want to make this replacement earlier, then make it so that there is no error due to the coincidence of the names of the iterator

eaf[kk_] := 
  Table[If[pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
      uif[kk][t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > 
     pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]], t/100, 0], {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];
ear = Table[{eax[[i, j]] ea c1hs[ea, 10^(-6)], 
    eay[[i, j]] ea c1hs[ea, 10^(-6)]}, {i, 
    Dimensions[alpha][[1]]}, {j, Dimensions[alpha][[2]]}];

mesh = ToElementMesh[cell, MaxCellMeasure -> {"Length" -> 1 10^(-6)}, 
   "BoundaryMeshGenerator" -> "Continuation"];

Ecell = 10^4;
EY1 = Ecell(**rigid+(Ecell/10)*soft*);
EY2 = Ecell/7;
nu12 = 0.3;
nu21 = 0.3;
G12 = EY1/(2*(1 + nu12));
ro = 1000;

lzonef = 2*10^(-6);
lzoner = -2*10^(-6);
zonef = c1hs[(x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]]) - lzonef, 10^(-12)];
zoner = c1hs[-(x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]]) + lzoner, 
muv = 10^(16);
mustab = 10^(3);
mupil = 10^(9);
fadhf = muv*zonef*
   c1hs[-dea, 10^(-10)] {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fadhr = muv*zoner*
   c1hs[dea, 10^(-10)] {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fstab = mustab {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]};
fpillars = mupil {D[u[t, x, y], t], D[v[t, x, y], t]}*soft;
fadh = fadhf + fadhr + fstab;

mechprop = {Y -> EY1, \[Nu] -> nu12, rho -> ro};
\[Lambda]dp = Y \[Nu]/(1 + \[Nu])/(1 - 2 \[Nu]);
\[Lambda] = Y \[Nu]/(1 - \[Nu]^2);
\[Mu] = Y/2/(1 + \[Nu]);
\[CurlyEpsilon] = {{ix.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}], 
    1/2 (iy.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 
       ix.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}])}, {1/
      2 (iy.Inactive[Grad][u[t, x, y], {x, y}] + 
       ix.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}]), 
    iy.Inactive[Grad][v[t, x, y], {x, y}]}};
   kk_] := -ppods[[1, 
     1]] (eaf[kk][[1, 1]]) ((x nppodx[[1, 1]] + y nppody[[1, 1]])/
      10^(-6))^2 {{nppodx[[1, 1]] nppodx[[1, 1]], 
     nppodx[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]]}, {nppodx[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]], 
     nppody[[1, 1]] nppody[[1, 1]]}};

\[Sigma] = \[Lambda] Tr[\[CurlyEpsilon]] Id + 
   2 \[Mu] (\[CurlyEpsilon]);
\[Sigma]0[kk_] := \[Lambda] Tr[\[CurlyEpsilon]0[kk]] Id + 
   2 \[Mu] (\[CurlyEpsilon]0[kk]);
divsig = {Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma].ix), {x, y}], 
    Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma].iy), {x, y}]} /. mechprop;
divsig0[kk_] := {Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma]0[kk].ix), {x, y}], 
    Inactive[Div][(\[Sigma]0[kk].iy), {x, y}]} /. mechprop;
inertia = 
  rho {D[u[t, x, y], {t, 2}], D[v[t, x, y], {t, 2}]} /. mechprop;
ci = {u[0, x, y] == 0., v[0, x, y] == 0.};
cid = {Derivative[1, 0, 0][u][0, x, y] == 0, 
   Derivative[1, 0, 0][v][0, x, y] == 0};
uif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
vif[0][t_, x_, y_] := 0
kf = 4; tf = 15;

Do[{uif[kk], vif[kk]} = 
   NDSolveValue[{Activate[divsig - divsig0[kk - 1] == inertia + fadh],
      ci, cid}, {u, v}, {x, y} \[Element] mesh, {t, 0, tf}, 
    Method -> {"PDEDiscretization" -> {"MethodOfLines", 
        "SpatialDiscretization" -> {"FiniteElement", 
          "MeshOptions" -> {"MeshOrder" -> 2, 
            "MaxCellMeasure" -> 0.5}, "IntegrationOrder" -> 4}}}, 
    MaxStepSize -> 0.5];, {kk, 1, kf}]
Table[ContourPlot[uif[i][tf, x, y], {x, y} \[Element] mesh, 
  PlotLegends -> Automatic, Contours -> 20, 
  ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap", PlotLabel -> Row[{"i=", i}]], {i,
   1, kf}]


Posted 5 years ago

Actually it runs like this, but I am not sure that this war 'uif' is correctly taken into accoutn then. Normally, eaf[kk] should be equal to 0, and therefore the displacement, once

pcontour[[i, j]][[1]] + 
      uif[kk][t, pcontour[[i, j]][[1]], pcontour[[i, j]][[2]]] > 
     pillarscenters[[i, j]][[1]]

is not satisfied anymore. But when you plot

Plot[{uif[kf][t, pcontour[[1, 1]][[1]], pcontour[[1, 1]][[2]]], 
  vif[kf][t, pcontour[[1, 1]][[1]], pcontour[[1, 1]][[2]]]}, {t, 0, 
  tf}, PlotRange -> All]

this does not occur. Then I am wondering if the 'If' in the definition of 'eaf[kk] is correctly taken into account?

best rachele

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena

What problem are you solving? What do all these If[] mean?

Posted 5 years ago

'eaf' is an initial deformation which provide 'divsig0' According to its expression

eaf[kk_] := 
  Table[If[pcontour[[i]][[1]] + 
      uif[kk][t, pcontour[[i]][[1]], pcontour[[i]][[2]]] > 
     pillarscenters[[i]][[1]], t/100, 0], {i, 

I would like that such an initial deformation stops once the the sum

pcontour[[i]][[1]] + 
      uif[kk][t, pcontour[[i]][[1]], pcontour[[i]][[2]]] 

is less than


By doing so, when plotting the displacement of a point in the mesh, this should increase until a certain time point and than stay constant, whereas when plotting 'eaf' this should increase until the same time point and than drop to zero according to the If function

However, when I do 1 iteration it works for eaf but not for the displacement which continously increase over time and I do not understand why since if I test the condition

pcontour[[i]][[1]] + 
          uif[kk][t, pcontour[[i]][[1]], pcontour[[i]][[2]]] > 

it evaluates to true for the first time steps and false for the rest of the interval, than the displacement should be stop too...

POSTED BY: Rachele Allena
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