NOTE: click on the image to zoom-in; click browser back button to return to reading.

This is part of a series where I explore some of the videos of Numberphile, see also the other ones:
This one will be based on the Trinity Hall prime, see also the video here. 
Where a logo was transformed to a large prime number.
Let's start with a christmas-themed snowflake:

Now we stretch and binarize this logo:
w = 100;
logo = ImageResize[logo, {All, Scaled[0.7]}];
pad = Ceiling[Min[ImageDimensions[logo]]/10];
logo = ColorNegate[ImagePad[logo, pad, White]];
logo = Binarize[ImageResize[logo, w]]
data = ImageData[logo];

For it to be a large prime without starting 0s, the first and large digit (pixel) should be a 1:
data[[1, 1]] = 1;
data[[-1, -1]] = 1;

Pay close attention to the top-left and bottom-right corner: they are now white.
If we now interpret this as a binary number, we can check if it is a prime:
PrimeQ@FromDigits[Join @@ data, 2]
Unfortunately not. Let's flip pixels around the edge (such that they are not easily noticed), perhaps finding a prime:
p1 = MorphologicalPerimeter[ColorNegate@logo];
p2 = MorphologicalPerimeter[logo];
p = ColorNegate@ImageMultiply[ColorNegate@p1, ColorNegate@p2];
p = DeleteBorderComponents[p];
flipindices = Flatten[Position[Join @@ ImageData[p], 1]];
number = Join @@ data;
test = number;
test[[ps]] = 1 - test[[ps]];
test = FromDigits[test, 2];
If[PrimeQ[test], Print@test; Break[]]
{ps, flipindices} (* flip 1 pixel *)
Unfortunately, this also does not output anything. Changing 2 'bits':
number = Join @@ data;
test = number;
test[[ps]] = 1 - test[[ps]];
test = FromDigits[test, 2];
If[PrimeQ[test], Print@test; Break[]]
{ps, Tuples[flipindices, 2]} (* switch 2 pixels *)
This does output a large prime:
Visualizing gives:
Image[Partition[IntegerDigits[prime, 2], w]]

Now making the visualization:
binc=MapIndexed[Text[Style[#1,f],{1,-1.4}Reverse[#2]+{0,-1.4 h-4.6}]&,binc,{2}];
gr=Graphics[{White,chrs,binc,Text[Style["is a prime number with "<>ToString[Length@IntegerDigits@prime]<>" digits",f],{5,-1.4h-2},{-1,0}],Text[Style["with the following base 2 representation",f],{5,-1.4h-4},{-1,0}]},Background->Black,ImageSize->850,PlotRangePadding->8]
Gives the image you can see at the top. Hope you enjoyed this little exploration! Now you can make your own prime-logos!