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Find your name in Pi or look for the complete works of William Shakespeare!

Posted 6 years ago

To celebrate the upcoming Pi day, wouldn't it be nice to find your name within the digits of Pi? This, along with the entire works of William Shakespeare, allegedly also present there! Let's try it with Mathematica! This is an estimate of our chances for finding a word or name of a certain length within the first 100 million digits of Pi:

Grid@Import["", "Data"][[-1, 1]]


Although you can find up to 5 trillion (! ) digits of Pi on the web, I limit myself here to using the Mathematica commands Pi and RealDigits. Let's first convert Pi to base 26 and map the digits 0-25 to the characters A-Z.

piDigits26Window[startPosition_, width_] := 
 FromCharacterCode /@ (First@
     RealDigits[Pi, 26, width, -startPosition + 1] + 65)

Using this function, this Manipulate is an "Alphanumerical Pi-Inspector" and opens a window along the first 1 million characters in the base 26 expansion of Pi.

 Row[{Row@piDigits26Window[i - 6, n], 
   Framed[Style[StringJoin @@ piDigits26Window[i, n], 18, Bold]], 
   Row@piDigits26Window[i + n, n]}], {{i, 7, "starting position", 
   ImageSize -> Small}, 7, 1000000, 1}, {{n, 7, "window width"}, 

pi window

Moving the "starting position" slider toward 1 million already shows a certain delay and proves that going into millions of digits may be time consuming. Let's look at the time needed to find 12 consecutive base 26 digits within Pi:

timeToFind[start_] := RepeatedTiming@piDigits26Window[i, 12]
times = ParallelTable[{i, timeToFind[i] // First}, {i, 1, 10000001, 
fit = FindFit[times, a x + b, {a, b}, x];
  PlotLabel -> "Seconds to find 12 base 26 digits in \[Pi]", 
  AxesLabel -> {"start position", None}],
 Plot[a x + b /. fit, {x, 0, 10000000}, 
  PlotStyle -> Directive[Dashed, Red]]]

plot of frequencies

Let's see things at a smaller scale and try to find any (and who knows our?) name within the digits of Pi. Here is a list of 2007 popular names from the internet:

data = Import["", "Data"];
allNames = Most@Cases[Rest[data[[-2, 2, 1]]], _?StringQ, \[Infinity]];

And a function to extract names of a certain length from this list:

nLetterNames[n_] := 
 ToUpperCase /@ Cases[allNames, _?(StringLength[#] == n &)]

names of 10

You can use this Manipulate to find maybe your name. Mine is at position 25282 (unfortunately with a C i.o a K!)

Manipulate[(*for the first 100,000 digits of base 26 Pi*)

 Module[{windowStrings, names, matches, positions},
  names = nLetterNames[n];
  windowStrings = 
   Table[StringJoin @@ piDigits26Window[i, n], {i, start, 
     start + 20000}];
  matches = Flatten[ParallelMap[Cases[names, #] &, windowStrings]];
  positions = Position[windowStrings, #] + start - 1 & /@ matches;
   Grid[{Grid /@ Join[{{{Style["position", Bold, 12]}}}, positions], 
     Join[{Style["name", Bold, 12]}, matches]}, ItemSize -> Full, 
    Frame -> All], Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.75]]],
 {{start, 20001, "starting position"}, Range[1, 100001, 20000]},
 {{n, 4, "window width"}, Range[2, 7]}, SynchronousUpdating -> False, 
 ContentSize -> {500, 100}]


ZARA appears twice: at positions 39922 and 678268

Row[{piDigits26Window[39922, 4], piDigits26Window[46796, 4]}]

And so does CLYDE at 233074 and 700576

Row[{piDigits26Window[233074, 5], piDigits26Window[700576, 5]}]

If you cannot find your name in Pi, maybe it is hidden in the Champernowne number? This is a "normal" number where all digits appear with equal frequency. Pi is only conjectured to be normal and so your chances of finding any name are higher with Champernowne? Next, the adapted Manipulate with Pi replaced by Champernowne[]:

cbDigits26Window[startPosition_, width_] := 
 FromCharacterCode /@ (First[
     RealDigits[ChampernowneNumber[], 26, 
      width, -startPosition + 1]] + 65)
Manipulate[(*for the first 100,000 digits of the base 26 Champernowne \
 Module[{windowStrings, names, matches, positions},
  names = nLetterNames[n];
  windowStrings = 
   Table[StringJoin @@ cbDigits26Window[i, n], {i, start, 
     start + 20000}];
  matches = Flatten[ParallelMap[Cases[names, #] &, windowStrings]];
  positions = Position[windowStrings, #] + start - 1 & /@ matches;
   Grid[{Grid /@ Join[{{{Style["position", Bold, 12]}}}, positions], 
     Join[{Style["name", Bold, 12]}, matches]}, ItemSize -> Full, 
    Frame -> All], Background -> Lighter[Gray, 0.75]]],
 {{start, 1, "starting position"}, Range[1, 100001, 20000]},
 {{n, 4, "window width"}, Range[2, 7]}, SynchronousUpdating -> False, 
 ContentSize -> {500, 100}]


Good Luck! And share your findings before 3-14...

POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu
2 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

With the Pi-day 2019 rapidly approaching, I did some extra efforts to find my name somewhere hidden in the base 26 alphanumeric representation of pi. According to this, one is almost sure to find any name of up to 6 characters within the first 100 million digits of pi. (as it turns out, 100 million in base 10 is "only" 70 million characters in base 26). Here we find: Full text of "Pi to 100 million decimal places (S. Pagliarulo in 2005 using the Chudnovsky algorithm). We scrap the 21 item intro and find around 2.2 million blocks of 5 times 10 or 50 digits which is giving us 100 million base 10 digits.

digitsOfPi = 
pi.txt", "Data"], 21];

We can now write a function to find a name (or any word) within the alphanumeric development of base 26 pi:

findMyNameInPi26 // Clear
findMyNameInPi26[name_String, searchLimit_: 100000] := 
 Block[{wl, upName, pi$, piNum, piNum10, piNum26, piNum26ABC, strings},
  wl = StringLength[name];(*length of the name we want to find*)

  upName = ToUpperCase[name];
  (*get a list of all base 10 digits: 
  extract the pi digits only and glue the 50 digit blocks together, 
  delete spaces and append digit 3 *)

  pi$ = StringPartition[
    "3" <> StringDelete[
      StringJoin @@ 
       ParallelMap[StringTake[#, 54] &, 
        digitsOfPi[[;; searchLimit/50]]], " "], 1]; 
  piNum = ParallelMap[ToExpression, pi$];
  (*get a list of all base 26 digits*)
  piNum10 = N[FromDigits[{piNum, 1}, 10], Length@piNum]; 
  piNum26 = Most@RealDigits[piNum10, 26];
  (*map the digits 0-25 to characters A-Z*)
  piNum26ABC = ParallelMap[FromCharacterCode[# + 65] &, piNum26];
  (*split in substrings of length wl*)
  strings = 
     StringTake[piNum26ABC, {i, i + wl - 1}], {i, 
      Length@First@piNum26 - wl + 1}]; 
   Flatten[{Cases[strings, upName], Position[strings, upName]}]]

"ERIC" with a "C" is easy to find:

  40000]](*to limit the search time, you can enter a smaller searc \
limit; note that the 40000 is a position in base 10 and 25282 is a \
position in base 26*)

{0.185225, {"ERIC", 25282}}

Some (mainly shorter) names are found multiple times:

Timing[findMyNameInPi26["Lea", 100000]]

{0.419962, {"LEA", 11532, 13507, 32494, 36618, 49076, 61939}}

My (real) name was found 160 times within the first 100 million digits of pi! This is the first occurrence:

Timing[findMyNameInPi26["Erik", 2000000]]

{9.16981, {"ERIK", 1248203}}

My family name was found only once:

Timing[findMyNameInPi26["Mahieu", 75000000]]

{737.681, {"MAHIEU", 44556911}}

I could not find any occurrence of "WOLFRAM" within the first 100 million digits. But it IS there, somewhere hidden within the infinite row of digits. This is probably due to the fact that only 70 million characters are in the base 26 expansion (i.o. the 100 minion in base 10) Maybe somebody will try to dig further.? Or at least find his own name before 3-14!

POSTED BY: Erik Mahieu

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