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[?] Use bubble points in Plot?

Hi How do I replace all normal point with bubble point like the below plot:

m = {{0.676168282`, 0.65776549947501`}, {0.671137774`, 
    0.659222459526278`}, {0.671010714`, 
    0.659990068731665`}, {0.671762604`, 
    0.664138272302896`}, {0.67218621`, 
    0.66552936163932`}, {0.673216749`, 
    0.668311540479097`}, {0.67799459`, 
    0.678049166167921`}, {0.679546306`, 
    0.680831345007698`}, {0.686881695`, 
    0.693351149536299`}, {0.687708356`, 
    0.694742238872723`}, {0.668473616`, 
    0.65776549947501`}, {0.656997668`, 
    0.65776549947501`}, {0.653419063`, 0.662747182883008`}};

ListPlot[m, Mesh -> All, ImageSize -> 500, AspectRatio -> Automatic, 
 TicksStyle -> Directive[Black, 15], 
 AxesStyle -> Directive[Black, 12], Ticks -> Automatic, 
 GridLines -> Automatic, Axes -> True, 
 PlotRange -> {{0.64, 0.70}, {0.64, 0.70}}, 
 PlotStyle -> {PointSize[.02], Orange}, 
 Epilog -> Line[{{0, 0}, {1, 1}}]]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: M.A. Ghorbani

You can use the option PlotMarkers.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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