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Create a 3d axis-plane

Posted 11 years ago
Hello,  I have 2 questions:
1 ) In geogebra I can create a 3d axis and a plane with it.   I can ''mark'' the x,y axis also.  I can rotate all this coordinate system.  Can I do the same with Mathematica 9?  Are there any commands for creating a 3d axis-plane (2d-3d)?
2) Is there any official or third party ebook for Mathematica  9?
6 Replies
Unfortunately I don't really understand what you're asking in (1), but for (2) you'll find a book list here:

Two freely available books are Mathematica programming: and advanced introduction by Leonid Shifrin and Power programming with Mathematica by David Wagner.  Both of these will teach you the fundamentals of the language, up to an advanced level, but they won't discuss domain specific functionality (such as image processing, etc.)  However, once you're comfortable with the base language itself, it's easy to use the documentation to look up specific functionality (that would be provided by libraries/packages in most other languages)
POSTED BY: Szabolcs Horvát
thanks  for  the s econd.i  mean  a  geometry  can  i  create  it?also  is  there  any  ebook  from official  site?
I have only a rudimentary knowledge of Geogebra, but I think you would find that anything you can do in Geogebra you can duplicate in Mathematica, but Mathematica is immensely more powerful.

In Mathematica you don't "create a 3D axis (itself a problematic idea) and a plane" as much as define geometric objects in relation to a coordinate system. All your geometric and display operations are carried out on that data set.

With Geogebra, as with other drag-n-drop programming systems, you can produce dazzling, expressive, illuminating results very quickly, but you're ultimately limited to the scope the package authors thought of.

It's going to be a universal problem, figuring out how to make the transition between the drag-n-drop sensibilities and the bits-n-bytes approach. Maybe, the drag-n-drop systems will advance to the point that they'll be capable of doing everything.

I think you must be on the leading edge of this, so you're going to have to tell us.

Fred Klingener
POSTED BY: Fred Klingener
Geogebra is a very nifty tool for construction and manipulation of geometric structures and graphics.

I can see it as a complementary resource to Mathematica, not just as a teaching/learning path but also for construction of basic layouts that can be so tedious from the keyboard.

I haven't dug into it very deeply, but the way the Geogebra output is structured (an xml file among others) suggests that it can be parsed with Mathematica tools and the output incorporated into Mathematica data structures.

It looks like it would be a fun thing to explore if I didn't already have thirty or forty other winter projects. I'd be happy to join anyone else in the Community who thought this would be a good idea.

POSTED BY: Fred Klingener
for  ebook?is  there  any  ebook  from  official s ite  to  buy  it?
  there  any  ebook  from  official s ite  to  buy  it

There are many. You can start with the help center itself
and the online collection
When you are done with these, you can go to the Bible of Mathematica graphics:

You can also browse looking for 3D demos. There are many of them and few specific to what you are asking for. Use the search option and type "3D"

When you are done with the above, you'll be an expert in Mathematica Graphics, 2D and 3D and much more.
POSTED BY: Nasser M. Abbasi
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