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[WSC19] Generating Nets for Random Convex Polyhedra

Posted 5 years ago
POSTED BY: Sunny Wang
10 Replies

Great job Sunny!

POSTED BY: Anwesha Das

So pretty!

POSTED BY: Noelle Crawford

Awesome project!

POSTED BY: Drake Hayes
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you!

POSTED BY: Sunny Wang
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you!

POSTED BY: Sunny Wang

Very good coding!

POSTED BY: Junseo Park
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you!

POSTED BY: Sunny Wang
Posted 5 years ago

Thank you!

POSTED BY: Sunny Wang
Posted 5 years ago

Great job :)

POSTED BY: Lena Libon

Hello Sunny,

I have recently stumbled upon your project and I want to say that it is amazing!

In my attempts to reproduce your code I ran into some error messages and was able to track them down to this line:

Table[Delete[netcoords[[n, m]], {3}], {n, 1, Length[netcoords]}, {m, 1, 3}]; 

As of version 13.3.0, it is no longer is able to compress the coordinates from 3-D into 2-D, which then generates this error message:

Coordinate {{-0.315542974369598, 0.45825762764869216`, 0}, {0.5554009046832473, -0.03312487055447352, 0}} should be a pair of numbers, or a Scaled or Offset form.

However, the following line solves the issue and keeps your amazing code up and running!

netcoords = Map[Delete[#, 3] &, netcoords, {-2}];

Thank you for the project, best wishes (:

POSTED BY: Oliver Jandette
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