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The 2016 Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME2016) data

Posted 5 years ago
POSTED BY: Estevao Teixeira
3 Replies

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POSTED BY: Moderation Team

Estevao, thank you for your "mini-study"! And I agree with your conclusion. Unfortunately, Wolfram's data may be inconsistent even within itself – different data functions may provide different values for the same entity. E.g., when using functions like Quantity, Entity (with "Particle"/"PhysicalConstant") or ParticleData you get inconsistent values for the proton's mass or elementary charge, which seems to affect the results of UnitConvert function. I came upon it when trying to calculate the mass/energy change in a hydrogen atom formation reaction. So, currently Wolfram's data cannot be relied upon.

P.S. What is the $$Data variable supposed to denote in your code? Can you provide a downloadable version of your study (as an .nb fiile)?

Hi, Alexander,

A good thing that you can do is to parse the AME2016 file and use their values, as I did first.

$$Data was a mistake. I changed to finalData. I submitted this dataset to the Data Repository but it is not available yet. You can check the notebook at

POSTED BY: Estevao Teixeira
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