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The interval between the twin prime (1) and the next twin prime (2)

Posted 5 years ago
POSTED BY: Koichi Ohno
2 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

The text below the graph did not display a few lines correctly, so I'll take this opportunity to show you what I intended.

Why was it displayed correctly in "Post Preview"?

-------Correct text

The horizontal axis of this graph is the "${\rm interval} $" (=$p{m2}-p{p1} $) of the twin prime $Tp_1$ and the next twin prime $Tp_2$. The vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence, and the parameter is approximately 61000. What you can see in the graph is the fact that there is a solution only if the "${\rm interval} $" is $4,10,16,22,?$. In the case of $6,8,12,14,?$ there is no solution. I will omit the explanation, but this is because one or both of $Tp_2$ is not a prime number depending on the condition of equation ( $1$). (the sum of odd and odd numbers is even, multiples of 3 are involved)

POSTED BY: Koichi Ohno
Posted 5 years ago

Since it was not displayed correctly, a sentence excluding processing is presented. Please read subscripts by yourself.

-------Correct text

The horizontal axis of this graph is the " interval" (=pm2-pp1) of the twin prime Tp1 and the next twin prime Tp2. The vertical axis is the frequency of occurrence, and the parameter is approximately 61000. What you can see in the graph is the fact that there is a solution only if the " interval" is 4,10,16,22,?. In the case of 6,8,12,14,? there is no solution. I will omit the explanation, but this is because one or both of Tp_2 is not a prime number depending on the condition of equation (1). (the sum of odd and odd numbers is even, multiples of 3 are involved)

POSTED BY: Koichi Ohno
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