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[Notebook] How to Learn/Teach Wolfram Language: A Computational Approach

POSTED BY: Mohammad Bahrami
4 Replies

Dear Mads,

thanks a lot for your post. It is very useful and I think can inform teaching the Wolfram Language. Here is a BarChart of the frequency of Functions used in all talks at the WTC2019:

enter image description here

I have often been asked to add a table with all functions that came up in a lecture (or just the new ones) by students in form of a table. This allows us to create a Wolfram Language Learners' Dictionary similar to books like this (for a natural language).

Thanks a lot, Marco

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel

Dear Mads,

this is the type of table I add at the end of lecture notes. This one contains a list of functions used at the WTC2019 in oder of frequency used. Each function is active and links to the documentation.

Cheers, Marco

POSTED BY: Marco Thiel
Posted 5 years ago

Thanks a lot Marco! WL functions table is a very cool/useful idea. I will adapt it from now on. Also, a dictionary of WL functions customized for a field of research should be very instructive. Looking at the WTC19 function frequency, what I noticed immediately is that how usage frequency is topic/subject oriented.

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