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Find number of years for each animal from this system of equations

Posted 5 years ago

Dear all I have the notebook calculation and i want to find how many years each animal lives: deer,bear,fox

Solve[nrAniVeverita == nrAniIepure - 3 &&
  nrAniVulpea == 2*nrAnIepure &&
  nrAniCerbul == 10 + nrAniVulpea &&
  nrAniUrsul == nrAniCerbul + nrAniVulpea &&
  nrAniCerbul + nrAniUrsul + nrAniVeverita + nrAniVulpea >= 110 && 
  nrAniCerbul + nrAniUrsul + nrAniVeverita + nrAniVulpea <= 120,
 {nrAniCerbul, nrAniUrsul, nrAniVeverita, nrAniVulpea}

The solver returns {} Can you please help ?

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