Thanks Martijn for you latest version. Apologies for repeating some of my last post
Here is may latest crude development of your original notebook (now called PSACorona1.nb, to avoid confusion with yours) . Can tempt you ...,
actual Deaths I still feel actual Deaths is crucial for this, I seldom look at cases, with such wide variation in testing. That being said, Death stats are also far for consistent. Only today, the UK said their death stats would change to finally include deaths outside hospitals
deaths/day: I know then data is noisy (I thought of smoothing) but feel deaths/day is crucial to identify how near "peaking" one is e.g.Italy and Spain in the last week..?
offset time please look at mine with doOffset=False. I am often more than happy to compare growth or not, using "actual time since outbreak" so highlighting the time shifts
I look forward to your views