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Version 12.1 in Germany?

Posted 4 years ago

I am in Germany and have a Wolfram|One license, running it on Windows 10.

I still cannot download the new version 12.1. Will it be available and when in Germany?

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
5 Replies

Did you receive an email from Wolfram already on your licenses? Have you checked the user portal?

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

The Wolfram Desktop 12.1 builds are undergoing final QA checks and will be released shortly.

POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
Posted 4 years ago

No, I did not get an email. I just read the Wolfram blog describing version 12.1.

I checked the user portal. It still delivers version 12.0

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 4 years ago

Thanks, Ilian, since I read the Wolfram blog describing version 12.1 I thought it would be finished and available.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger

Mathematica 12.1 was ready and being downloaded when the blog post appeared. There are other products in the pipeline like WolframEngine or the localized versions that usually take a few additional days to go through final testing.

POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
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