I agree with your statements here. Especially with regards to how the communication strategy (especially in the USA) is focused on the short-term mitigation plan, with no articulation of the higher level COVID-19 end-game strategy.
The Chinese model seems impossible for the USA, but the 60% infection for herd immunity is unacceptable. Is seems we are haphazardly stumbling toward a hybrid end game, with a combination of non-trivial number of survivors (~10%?) with immunity, a calibrated relaxing of social distancing (hopefully based on data), desperate short-term increase in hospital capacity, desperate attempts at improving treatment, and slow but massive gearing up test infrastructure.
It seems like what we really need is an R0 model that shows the effect of relaxing social distancing on virus survivors with immunity, relaxing restrictions on some subset of businesses, the effect of certain countermeasures like masks, etc.
Since factors tend to average out over large populations, it should be possible to make a model for R0 based on a few key factors. For example, % of people still coming to work, or % of people still taking public transportation, % of people with access to testing, etc. I suspect that a lot of things people think are important, like wearing masks and wiping down your Amazon deliveries, are basically irrelevant. I would be very interested in research to better model R0 and establish a data-based pareto of factors.