NIST's engineering statistics handbook is one of my most frequently viewed source for any applied mathematical topic and examples. In the section of reliability analysis, I spotted this graph. I can use HatchFilling
function to create a similar one in Mathematica
First lets break the plot into two regions
Left region
plt1 = Plot[PDF[WeibullDistribution[2, 2], x], {x, 0, 2.5},
PlotRange -> {0, 0.6}, Filling -> Axis,
FillingStyle -> HatchFilling[]]
Right region. We add one argument into HatchFilling
to generate stripes with 135 degree.
plt2 = Plot[PDF[WeibullDistribution[2, 2], x], {x, 2.5, 3.5},
PlotRange -> {0, 0.6}, Filling -> Axis,
FillingStyle -> HatchFilling[3 \[Pi]/4]]
I can also set up the right hand side boundary for each plot manually:
bound1 = PDF[WeibullDistribution[2, 2], 2.5];
bound2 = PDF[WeibullDistribution[2, 2], 3.5];
Now we put two plots together and add labels at customized locations
Show[plt1,plt2,PlotRange-> {{0,4},{0,0.6}},Epilog-> {Style[Line[{
Text["Area = F(t)",{2.31,0.5},BaseStyle->{12,Italic}],
Text["f(t)= height of curve ",{3.5,0.38},BaseStyle->{10,Italic}],
},Ticks-> {{{2.5,"t1"},{3.5,"t2"}},None}]
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