I'm trying to wrap my head around ways to incorporate Raspberry Pi in the classroom. I teach math at the community college level and, at my campus, there is no place for a dedicated math computer lab. Due to the low price of the RPi, I was considering having students get one. I was also thinking of making worksheets for my students as a notebook for them to 1) learn how to code and 2) learn mathematics via Mathematica.
However, I haven't figured out the logistics yet. To my understanding, if a student wanted to use it in the classroom, they'd each need a monitor to hook it up to, correct?
I also read that Wolfram and Intel teamed up and will release a SD card that will have Mathematica on it. (http://company.wolfram.com/news/2014/wolfram-language-on-intel-edison/) Does anyone have any idea how this would work? I'm imagining you could plug it into your computer and run Mathematica off of it. If so, then that would be a more practical way of getting Matthematica into the classroom at my college.
Any thoughts or experiences with RPi or ideas of Intel's Edison card are greatly appreciated.