I developed a code, just for fun, to simulate a star using only geometric shapes and a modified texture of the Sun's surface.
First, I acquired the texture:
tex = Map[ImageAdjust[#, {0, 0, 0.1}] &,
WebImageSearch["Sun surface", Method -> "Google",
MaxItems -> 8]]; list = Flatten[{tex[[1]], tex[[3 ;; 7]]}]

Then, I created the geometric shape of the star (and added the texture). Just replace the "list" in the code below with the texture list above (the evaluation can take up to 5 minutes):
z1 = Table[n = RandomPolygon[{"StarShaped", 10000}];
a = PolygonDecomposition[n, "Triangle"];
b = Table[
Map[Disk[#, 0.001] &, RandomPoint[a[[i]], 40]], {i, 1,
RandomPolygon[{"StarShaped", 10000},
VertexTextureCoordinates -> Automatic], ImageSize -> 1000}],
Graphics[{Opacity[0.3], Red, b}]}], {x, 1, 6}];
The animation can be done with, for example, ListAnimate[]:
ListAnimate[z1, AnimationRate -> 0.5]
