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ParallelTable and PowersRepresentations to find solutions system of equatio

Posted 4 years ago

First of all, it is possible to check the code that I am asking for because I know that $x=3051$ must yield at least a solution to the problem.

Well, I have the following system of equations:

enter image description here

Now, I need to solve this system for {n1,n2,n3,n4,n5,n6,n7,n8,n9} . The values of $x$ that needs to be tried come from the following code:

     Select[Select[PowersRepresentations[n, 3, 2], Times @@ # != 0 &],
       Length[#] == Length[Union[#]] &]] >= 6], n, Nothing], {n, 0, 

(* {314,329,341,...,9998} *)

Question: How can I loop through the values given by the ParallelTable code ({314,329,341,...,9998}) in order to check if the system of equations gives a solution for a certain value of $x$?

So, the first case to check would be when $x=314$ and the solutions that has to be tried are given by:

Select[Select[PowersRepresentations[314, 3, 2], Times @@ # != 0 &], 
Length[#] == Length[Union[#]] &]

(* {{1, 12, 13}, {3, 4, 17}, {3, 7, 16}, {5, 8, 15}, {7, 11, 12}, {8, 9, 
  13}} *)

So, we need to try to solve the following system of equations using the possible values, given from the code above ({{1,12,13},{3,4,17},{3,7,16},{5,8,15},{7,11,12},{8,9,13}}):

Solve[{x == n1^2 + n2^2 + n3^2, x == n4^2 + n5^2 + n6^2, 
      x == n7^2 + n8^2 + n9^2, x == n1^2 + n4^2 + n7^2, 
      x == n2^2 + n5^2 + n8^2, x == n3^2 + n6^2 + n9^2}, {n1, n2, n3, n4, 
      n5, n6, n7, n8, n9}]
POSTED BY: Jan Eerland
7 Replies
Posted 4 years ago



I completely misunderstood his problem.


I provided what I hope is a correct solution in a later post that he made.

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson
Posted 4 years ago

I know there is a solution for $x=3051$. Because when:


My system of equations is satisfied.

So, maybe there is something missing in the code that you've written. I am not that well in writing Mathematica code so I will try to understand what you've written.

POSTED BY: Jan Eerland
Posted 4 years ago

Ah... so you need not just the three triples, but the nine factorial permutations of every one of those three triples.

I completely misunderstood your needs and what I showed can't address this.


POSTED BY: Bill Nelson
Posted 4 years ago

It is okay, now I hope it is clear.

Can you help me find the right code to determine the desired values?

POSTED BY: Jan Eerland
Posted 4 years ago

Corrected in a later post of his

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson
Posted 4 years ago

First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

I got no solution, which is not right.

POSTED BY: Jan Eerland
Posted 4 years ago

Crossposted here.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi
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