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Animate this trajectory?

I have data for the orbital trajectory of an object, but I can't find any guide that tells me how I can animate it.


POSTED BY: Johnny Hero
Posted 5 years ago

Maybe you can try (sample notebook attached):

  1. Make a list of multiple plots (insert your names / styles, I left them out):

    cList=Table[ListPointPlot3D[data[[Range[1,i]]], PlotLabel, etc],{i,20}]
  2. Try the above, plotting the first 20 points

  3. Then list animate it:

  4. If it works, if you like it, try changing the 20 point limit to 100, then go all the way to Length[data] if you feel daring. Otherwise you might animate parts of the list at a time, or animate by skipping every 10 points, or something?

POSTED BY: Marcos Ferrer
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