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Organic Chemistry 2: representing chemical reactions

This work is part of series of other posts avaialble here:

I post this in case anyone is interested in experimenting further along these lines, or in collaborating with me on an organic synthesis related project. This notebook shows my representation of various organic chemical reactions in Wolfram Language.

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana
11 Replies

This is great work! I look forward to reading through the code more thoroughly.

In the long run we definitely need a chemical reaction data structure that can operate on a list of molecules to make this easier on you. Until we get that, another approach you could take for chemical reactions is using the "ReplaceSubstructure" method:

alkyne = Molecule["1-octyne"]
primaryalkylhalide = Molecule["benzyl bromide"]

The trick here is to join the two molecules into one disconnected structure, then search for a single substructure matching the bromly group and terminal alkyne, and replace it with the joined version:

joinMolecules[list : {__Molecule}] := 
 Molecule@StringRiffle[MoleculeValue[list, "SMILES"], "."]

 joinMolecules[{alkyne, primaryalkylhalide}], {"ReplaceSubstructure", 
  MoleculePattern["[CH2][Br].[CH1]#[C]"] -> "CC#C"}]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Jason Biggs

Hi Leonardo, interesting work! you have SOCIAL (ex: like LinkedIn), so we can connect?

POSTED BY: Claudio Chaib

Here is the link to my first notebook:

In the 1st notebook I practice the basic graph- and molecule-related functions, gradually learning increasingly better ways to represent and make changes to molecules.

In the 2nd notebook, I summarize the final products of the research form the 1st notebook.

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana

Regarding my mention of "Wolfram Summer School 2020" in the original version of my notebook, I was not a student of this year's session, but I did apply for admission. I began working on my 1st notebook while I was (optimistically) waiting to hear if I would be accepted into WSS 2020. I wanted to get a head start, just in case. But there were so many great applicants, and not everyone could be squeezed in, and I didn't make the cut. But I totally understand. I've enjoyed watching the WSS 2020 student project presentations. Very exciting minds working at the cutting edge!

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana

Here is the url for my first notebook:

Sorry for the delays. I am cleaning up the code from my 2nd notebook, fixing bugs, and then I will post it again in a 3rd notebook with examples of multi-step synthesis.

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana

Hi Claudio

I just created a LinkedIn page for myself:

Feel free to connect with me there. I'm new at social media, so please excuse my rudimentary LinkedIn profile. Thank you for your interest in the chemistry code that I published. I look forward to hearing from you.

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana

Hi Jason,

Thank you for your encouragement and the very useful info about the "ReplaceStructure" method. I only recently started learning WL, so I know that there are other chemistry-related functions I need to explore. I will definitely look into your specific suggestion for joining molecules.

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana

Nice and interesting! Looks like this notebook was published as private. Can you republish it with public permissions so we an take a look? Thank you.

POSTED BY: Kapio Letto

Please see my new post about Organic Synthesis in WL:

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana

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Thank you for posting! I was honored to receive the Featured Contributor Badge, but I also feel encouraged when I get some comments :-). Please let me know if you have any questions or opinions about this project. And please see my more recent posts here that take my organic synthesis model even further.

Here is the link to my most recent article:

Organic Chemistry 4: Experimental Functions for Chemical Synthesis in WL

POSTED BY: Leonardo Cabana
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