Hello Julia! In order for you to work with data from the BDQueimadas national database, you will need to request data from this link: https://queimadas.dgi.inpe.br/queimadas/bdqueimadas#exportar-dados
Google Translate should help you through, but note that you can only get at max, an interval of 366 days from the starting ISO date to the ending ISO date.
You cannot instantly download the data from BDQueimadas, you need to "ask" the data first through your e-mail, in less than 10 minutes, you will have the requested data (they only do this for access statistics).
Data cleaning and parsing is not difficult with the Wolfram Language, just an Import and you're good to go. If you want to refine and preprocess your data, you will need to create a data processing pipeline in a Notebook, that won't take much. But I should warn you that working with a massive GeoJSON is not a good idea, preferrably, choose a CSV file.
Feel free to get in touch with me through my LinkedIn available in my personal website (available in my community user page).