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The tiny font size of the 'more...' button in the refinement bar MMA 12.1.1

Posted 4 years ago

Through some hard work on my own and with help from Wolfram support I was able to adjust the 'theme...', 'labels...' etc buttons in the refinement bar through a style sheet; however over the years I have reported with screen shots the poor fontsize of the 'more....' button. BTW, the note is manually set to 125.00. Why can't that UI get fixed very soon or post a how to fix, thanks.

PS there are more tiny font problems too (which was also reported too), see screenshot attached.


POSTED BY: Andrew Meit
2 Replies

This is quite likely some deeply embedded style buried in the stylesheet, I suggest contacting Wolfram support to find out which StyleData name could be used to address this.

POSTED BY: Kyle Keane
Posted 4 years ago

These sort of things are also important to me. Buying larger and larger monitors every year or so is not a sustainable solution.


POSTED BY: Mike Besso
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