Having messed this up yesterday, I will offer a method of reasonable complexity, O(k*n)
for deleting every k
th from a list on size n
. The k
factor does not really kick in at smallish sizes, so that's a nice advantage.
The main part of the code is straightforward. Delete every k
th element, keep track of where to restart, condense the list, rinse, repeat. The endgame is tricky. Once we get into the realm where #remaining elements < k
, we need to take care of the indexing. Maybe there is a more clever way.
funcJ[{j_, ll_List}, k_Integer] :=
Module[{q, r, delposns}, {q, r} =
QuotientRemainder[Length[ll] - j, k];
delposns = j + k*Transpose[{Range@q}];
{-r, Delete[ll, delposns]}]
solveJosephus[len_, k_, keep_ : 1] := Module[
{ll = Range[len], posn, lllen},
{posn, ll} =
NestWhile[funcJ[#, k] &, {0, ll}, (Length[#[[2]]] >= keep + k) &];
lllen = Length[ll];
While[lllen > keep,
posn = posn + k;
If[posn > Length[ll],
posn = posn - Length[ll];
ll = ll /. 0 -> Nothing;
posn = Mod[posn, Length[ll], 1];
ll[[posn]] = 0;
ll /. 0 -> Nothing
I show some examples that compare to the Rosetta Stone Mathematica code.
solveJosephusRosetta[len_, k_, keep_] :=
Nest[Most[RotateLeft[#, k]] &, Range[len], len - keep]
Table[Timing[solveJosephusRosetta[2^j, 3, 1]], {j, 15, 17}]
Out[479]= {{0.593449, {6136}}, {2.3729, {58355}}, {9.5988, {82145}}}
In[489]:= Table[Timing[solveJosephus[2^j, 3, 1]], {j, 15, 17}]
Out[489]= {{0.002549, {6136}}, {0.004045, {58355}}, {0.008657, \
One sees the quadratic complexity in that Rosetta code.
If we increase the step size k
we begin to see the effect that has on the O(k*n)
In[548]:= Table[Timing[solveJosephusRosetta[2^j, 103, 6]], {j, 15, 17}]
Out[548]= {{0.587146, {31404, 2231, 7602, 15710, 15912,
16352}}, {2.42677, {291, 7505, 18244, 34452, 34851,
35734}}, {9.69498, {6724, 21141, 42610, 75014, 75807, 77576}}}
In[546]:= Table[Timing[solveJosephus[2^j, 103, 6]], {j, 15, 17}]
Out[546]= {{0.021644, {2231, 7602, 15710, 15912, 16352,
31404}}, {0.016242, {291, 7505, 18244, 34452, 34851,
35734}}, {0.022995, {6724, 21141, 42610, 75014, 75807, 77576}}}