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Parsing markdown files

Posted 4 years ago

Symbolic Markdown Expression Graph

POSTED BY: Faizon Zaman
8 Replies

This has potential, Faizon. I think it can really fly as a conversion/migration-tool plug-in for markdown editors with an active community, such as and others. Simple single-command-set of hotkeys could manipulate note formats contained there.

POSTED BY: Cedrus Libnani

Thanks Anton! Yeah, that's the one.

POSTED BY: Faizon Zaman

I think you should update your notebook to include the line:


Or something similar...

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

I much more productized effort of converting Markdown to Mathematica is described in "Markdown::Grammar".

(Yes, the statement above is both obnoxious and self-promoting...)

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

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Interesting work! Can you post the link to MarkdownParse repository you mention? Is it this one: ?

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

Ah, the package file, not the repository, I understand now. Sure I'll add that asaic, having some trouble with cloud nbs atm.

POSTED BY: Faizon Zaman

Minor FYI — I've refactored my parsing strategy and am working through updating tests. I've refactored about 100 tests so far, with ~600 remaining.

Most of the paclet component tests have been updated, the rest are for CommonMark v0.30.

I don't have a timeline as the updating is a bit tedious, but I will write a new post and link here once complete.

POSTED BY: Faizon Zaman
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