User Portlet
Featured Contributor
Anton Antonov
Accendo Data LLC
My name is Anton Antonov. I was a kernel developer at Wolfram Research, Inc. for seven years working, mostly, on numerical algorithms. I implemented and documented the framework and integrators of NIntegrate. In the last ten years I designed, prototyped, and implemented a variety of machine learning and data mining algorithms. I am also very interested in the creation, parsing, and interpretation of domain specific languages and conversational agents.
- Doomsday clock parsing and plotting
- Don’t use Forsyth-Edwards notation (FEN) to play chess with LLMs: limitations and alternatives
- Making robust LLM computational pipelines from software engineering perspective
- Directional quantile envelopes: quantile regression for 2D data
- Computational exploration for the ages of programming language creators dataset
- LLM aids for processing Biden's State of the Union address
- Comprehension AI aids for Stephen Wolfram's article "Can AI Solve Science?"
- LLM over Trump vs. Anderson: analysis of the slip opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States
- US Constitution elements explained in Plants vs Zombies terms with large language model (LLM)
- Conversion between notebooks in different frameworks using LLMs
- Extracting Russian casualties in Ukraine data from Mediazona publications
- AI vision via Wolfram Language
- Generalized Lanchester combat models
- Nightcore version of the USSR animation "Conflict", (1983)
- Workflows with LLM functions (in WL)
- Quantile regression 3D examples
- Nightcore restyling of Dolphin’s “Spring”
- Code generation demo using paclet OpenAIMode
- OpenAIMode: paclet for interaction w/ OpenAI's GPT & DALL-E via OpenAILink
- Using Prefix trees for Markov chain text generation
- [GiF] Details in Rorschach mask animations making
- Trie based classifiers evaluation
- Implementing machine learning algorithms in Raku (TRC-2022 talk)
- Generating UML diagrams for Raku namespaces
- Outlier detection in a list of numbers (with Raku)
- Nightcore "Schweine" video making
- Handwritten Arabic characters classifiers comparison
- Rorschach mask animations projected over 3D surfaces
- Re-exploring the structure of Chinese character images
- LSA methods comparison over random mandalas deconstruction -- Python
- LSA methods comparison over random mandalas deconstruction -- WL
- Connecting Raku with Wolfram Language and Mathematica
- Ingest and analyze benchmark results posted at MathematicaStackExchange
- Cryptocurrencies: correlations, clustering and data analysis
- Cryptocurrencies: data acquisition with visualization
- Bethlehem stars: classifying randomly generated mandalas
- Making graphs over system dynamics models
- SEI2HR-Econ model with quarantine and supplies scenarios
- WirVsVirus 2020 hackathon participation
- NY Times COVID-19 data visualization
- Apple mobility trends data visualization
- [NB] Scaling of epidemiology models with multi-site compartments
- [NB] Basic experiments workflow for simple epidemiological models
- 3D ornaments (by texturized polygons)
- Ingest Airbnb reviews data
- Random mandalas generation
- A monad for Latent Semantic Analysis workflows
- Finding all structural breaks in time series
- Call graph generation for context functions
- Writing a word with straight lines
- Completing XKCD curve-fitting post with QRMon
- Parametrized event records data transformations
- A monad for Quantile Regression workflows
- A monad for classification workflows
- The Great conversation in USA presidential speeches
- [Reddit-DiBB0118] RadarChart for each algae species
- [Reddit-DiBB0118] Interspecies comparison using HeatmapPlot
- Monad code generation and extension
- Comparison of dimension reduction algorithms over mandala images generation
- LinearProgramming approach for "best teams" algorithm
- [Mathematica-vs-R] Text analysis of Trump tweets
- Mathematica vs. R at GitHub
- [Mathematica-vs-R] Handwritten digits recognition by matrix factorization
- Pareto principle adherence examples
- ROC for classifier ensembles, bootstrapping, damaging, and interpolation
- Basic example of using ROC with Linear regression
- Contingency tables creation examples
- Adaptive numerical Lebesgue integration by set measure estimates
- Facing your data with Chernoff faces
- Independent component analysis for multidimensional signals
- Comparison of PCA and NNMF over image de-noising
- Finding outliers in 2D and 3D numerical data
- UML Diagrams Creation and Generation
- Classifier agnostic procedure for finding the importance of variables