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Expectation and variance of custom continuous distribution?

Dear Community,

I'd like to calculate the expected value and the variation of a custom continuous distribution. My attempt is (with Normal distribution for the sake of simplicity):

My attempt

I think it'd work if the algorithm knew sigma can only be positive, but somehow I didn't specify it correctly. I'm aware of the fact that there is an inbuilt PDF for Normal distribution, but I plan to combine multiple PDFs which aren't necessary normal distributions anymore.

Many thanks for your help.

Best, Attila

POSTED BY: Attila Horvath
12 Replies
Posted 4 years ago

It would be helpful if you posted actual code rather than a picture. And should the y be an x?

Also, if you describe a bit more what you want to do (in words), then more of us could probably give you something explicit.

I wonder if you mean to write the following:

dist = ProbabilityDistribution[(1/Sqrt[2 Pi \[Sigma]1^2]) Exp[-((x - \[Mu]1)/\[Sigma]1)^2/2],
   {x, -Infinity, Infinity}, Assumptions -> \[Sigma]1 > 0];
PDF[dist, x]
(* E^(-((x - \[Mu]1)^2/(2 \[Sigma]1^2)))/(Sqrt[2 \[Pi]] Sqrt[\[Sigma]1^2] *)
(* \[Mu]1 *)
(* \[Sigma]1^2 *)
POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Many thanks for your advice. My purpose is to define the PDF of the difference of two gaussian random variables (X and Y) if X-Y<0 and see the mean and variance. At this stage I just really want to learn how to define a custom PDF and ask for the mean and variance.

pdfx[x_] = 
  PDF[(1/Sqrt[2*Pi]*\[Sigma]1) *(E^-1/
       2*((x - \[Mu]1)/\[Sigma]1)^2), {x, -Infinity, 
    Infinity}], \[Sigma]1 > 0]



POSTED BY: Attila Horvath

@Jim, yes, perfect! Thanks for your help.

POSTED BY: Attila Horvath
Posted 4 years ago
distXminusY = TransformedDistribution[x - y,
  {x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu]1, \[Sigma]1], 
   y \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu]2, \[Sigma]2]}]
distCensored = CensoredDistribution[{-Infinity, 0}, distXminusY]
Mean[distCensored] // FullSimplify
(* -((E^(-((\[Mu]1 - \[Mu]2)^2/(2 (\[Sigma]1^2 + \[Sigma]2^2))))
    Sqrt[\[Sigma]1^2 + \[Sigma]2^2])/Sqrt[2 \[Pi]]) + 
 1/2 (\[Mu]1 - \[Mu]2) Erfc[(\[Mu]1 - \[Mu]2)/(
   Sqrt[2] Sqrt[\[Sigma]1^2 + \[Sigma]2^2])] *)
(* a long output - maybe can be simplified by assuming \[mu]1 <= \[mu]2  *)
POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 4 years ago
PDF[distCensored, z]

just returns the code (i.e., Mathematica can't figure it out). But because distXminusY is just a normal distribution the pdf of distCensored is found with defining a piecewise function:

pdf[z_] := Piecewise[{{PDF[distXminusY, z]/CDF[distXminusY, 0], z <= 0}}, 0]
POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Yes, this assumptation can be made: Assumptions -> [Mu]1 <= [Mu]2 as well as [Sigma]1==[Sigma]2.

Would you mind having a look at my notebook?

distXminusY = 
 Assuming[\[Sigma] > 0, 
   x - y, {x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu]1, \[Sigma]], 
    y \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu]2, \[Sigma]]}]]

distCensored = CensoredDistribution[{-Infinity, 0}, distXminusY]

MeanOfdistCensored = 
 Simplify[Assuming[\[Mu]1 <= \[Mu]2, Mean[distCensored]]]

Assuming[\[Mu]1 <= \[Mu]2, PDF[distCensored, z]]

Thanks for your help, I'm really grateful!


POSTED BY: Attila Horvath

Dear Community,

I would like to ask your help again. Related to the problem above, I would like to define the PDF and CDF of the following events:

X1 and X2 are random variable from normal distributions with equal sigma and mu1 <= mu2.

What is the conditional distribution of X1 when X1>X2?

As I have programming background, I've made a simulation in R:

mu1 <- 0
mu2 <- 3
r.u1 <- rnorm(n = 10000000, mean = mu1, sd = sigma)
r.u2 <- rnorm(n = 10000000, mean = mu2, sd = sigma)
RS2.u1 <- dnorm(xx, mean = mu1, sd = s1)
RS3.u2 <- dnorm(xx, mean = mu2, sd = s2)
tt <-, r.u2, collision = r.u1 > r.u2))
hh <- hist(tt[tt$collision == 1,"r.u2"], freq = F, breaks = xx, xlim = c(-10, 10))

    ![enter image description here][1]

To figure out the CDF first in Mathematica, my attempt was:

distX = (1/Sqrt[2 Pi \[Sigma]1^2]) Exp[-((x - \[Mu]1)/\[Sigma]1)^2/2]
distY = (1/Sqrt[2 Pi \[Sigma]1^2]) Exp[-((y - \[Mu]1)/\[Sigma]1)^2/2]

distXminusY = 
 Assuming[\[Sigma] > 0, 
   x - y, {x \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu]1, \[Sigma]], 
    y \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[\[Mu]2, \[Sigma]]}]]

dist_condyx = 
 Assuming[Element[{\[Mu]1, \[Mu]2, \[Sigma]1}, Reals] && \[Sigma]1 > 
    0 , Integrate[
   distX[t]*(1 - CDF[distY, t])/CDF[distXminusY, 0], {t, -Infinity, 

It seems it can't integrate the function but maybe I define it incorrectly. To get the PDF I have to derivate this function afterwards.

Can you advise me how to proceed with this?

Many thanks for your help.

Best, Attila


POSTED BY: Attila Horvath

@Attila Horvath Are you aware of Conditioned?

With it, you can compute conditional probability, conditional expectation (and through the workaround/definition also conditional variance). I tested these computations with the example and problem sets from US textbooks and they work just fine. When i looked at those texts i did notice the term "conditional distribution" but i have not read up on it; i am pre-"Introduction to Probability", hehe. It may or may not be possible to define a conditional distribution with that function, i am just wondering if you were aware of the nice function. Afaik MAPLE does not have it.

POSTED BY: Raspi Rascal
Posted 4 years ago

While it might not matter much but your R code is incomplete: sigma, xx, sd1, and sd2 are not defined.

Also, this second question should really be asked as a separate question. I'll post an answer later today if someone else hasn't already done so.

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
Posted 4 years ago

The direct approach would be to try to determine the cdf of x1 conditional on x1 > x2:

cdf = Probability[x1 <= x0 \[Conditioned] x1 > x2,
  {x1 \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[mu1, sigma1],
   x2 \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[mu2, sigma2]},
  Assumptions -> {mu1 <= mu2, sigma1 > 0, sigma2 > 0}]

But this just returns the command. This is either because Probability doesn't know how to obtain the answer or because there is no closed-form answer. So more basic approaches are needed.

We first determine the joint pdf of x1 and x2 given that x1 > x2 and then integrate over x2 to get the pdf of x1 conditional on x1 > x2.

(* Probability that x1 > x2 *)
p = Probability[x1 > x2,
  {x1 \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[mu1, sigma1],
   x2 \[Distributed] NormalDistribution[mu2, sigma2]},
  Assumptions -> {sigma1 > 0, sigma2 > 0}]
(* 1/2 Erfc[(mu1 - mu2)/(Sqrt[2] Sqrt[sigma1^2 + sigma2^2])] *)

(* Joint distribution of x1 and x2 given that x1 > x2 *)
jointPDF = Piecewise[{{PDF[NormalDistribution[mu1, sigma1], x1]*
     PDF[NormalDistribution[mu2, sigma2], x2]/p, x1 > x2}}, 0]

Joint conditional pdf

(* Integrate over x2 to get marginal pdf for x1 given that x1 > x2 *)
pdfx1 = Integrate[jointPDF, {x2, -Infinity, x1},
  Assumptions -> {x1 \[Element] Reals, mu1 <= mu2, sigma1 > 0, 
    sigma2 > 0}]
(* (E^(-((mu1 - x1)^2/(2 sigma1^2)))*
  Erfc[(mu2 - x1)/(Sqrt[2] sigma2)])/(Sqrt[2 \[Pi]] sigma1 Erfc[(-mu1 + mu2)/(Sqrt[2] Sqrt[sigma1^2 + sigma2^2])]) *)

There doesn't appear to be a nice closed form for the cdf, mean, or variance.

This does appear to match what you got from R:

parms = {mu1 -> 0, mu2 -> 3, sigma1 -> 1, sigma2 -> 1};
Plot[{PDF[NormalDistribution[mu1, sigma1] /. parms, x1],
  PDF[NormalDistribution[mu2, sigma2] /. parms, x1],
  pdfx1 /. parms}, {x1, -10, 10},
 PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green}, PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1/4]


POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Hi Jim,

That's great, it's so cool!

Just a very last question. I want to know the distribution of X2, as in my model when x1>x2, it's a "collision": x1 can't go further as it bumps into x2. So X2 distribution "restricts" everything. Would this code be correct?

pdfx2 = Integrate[jointPDF, {x1, x2 , Infinity}, Assumptions -> {x2 \[Element] Reals, mu1 <= mu2, sigma > 0}]

parms = {mu1 -> 0, mu2 -> 3, sigma -> 1};
Plot[{PDF[NormalDistribution[mu1, sigma] /. parms, x2], 
  PDF[NormalDistribution[mu2, sigma] /. parms, x2], 
  pdfx2 /. parms}, {x2, -10, 10}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green}, 
 PlotRange -> All, AspectRatio -> 1/4]

Many thanks for your tremendous help!

Best, Attila


POSTED BY: Attila Horvath
Posted 4 years ago

Yes, that is how to get the marginal distribution of x2 given that x1 > x2.

But I would avoid the statement "X2 distribution restricts everything" because one could just as easily (and incorrectly) state that the "X1 distribution restricts everything" as one could rephrase your other statement as "x2 can't go further as it bumps into x1." I would say that such a "cause-and-effect" statement is both wrong and unnecessary.

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin
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