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Error in plot of equation solution?

Posted 3 years ago

Hi all. I encountered a lack of understanding in using Wolfram Mathematica and I want to ask all of you.

So, I solved the equation using Wolfram Mathematica. I have written all Wolfram Mathematica input and code as follows.


k = Sqrt[En^2 - (137.036)^4]/(137.036);
p = Sqrt[(En + (137.036)^2 - Va) (En - (137.036)^2 - Va)]/(137.036);
q = Sqrt[(En + (137.036)^2 - Vb) (En - (137.036)^2 - Vb)]/(137.036);
A = Sqrt[(En - (137.036)^2)/(En + (137.036)^2)];
B = Sqrt[(En - (137.036)^2 - Vb)/(En + (137.036)^2 - Vb)];
H = Sqrt[(En - (137.036)^2 - Va)/(En + (137.036)^2 - Va)];
a = 0.01;
b = 0.02;
Vb = 50000;
f[En_] := (E^(I*q*b)/(16*A^2*B*
       H) (((A + H)^2) ((A + B)^2*
          E^(2*I (k (a - b) - p*a)) - (A - B)^2*
          E^(-2*I (k (a - b) - p*a))) + ((A - H)^2) ((A - B)^2*
          E^(-2*I (k (a - b) + p*a)) - (A + B)^2*
          E^(2*I (k (a - b) + p*a))) + 
      2 (A^2 - B^2) (A^2 - H^2) (E^(2*I*p*a) - E^(-2*I*p*a))));

ContourPlot[{Re[f[En]], Im[f[En]]}, {Va, 0, 50000}, {En, 30000, 
  70000}, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}, PlotPoints -> 10, PlotRange -> All, 
 PlotLegends -> "Expressions", 
 Epilog -> {Black, PointSize[0.025], Point[{Va, En}]}]

Then I run it, and a red or orange line appears as shown below in the output section.

enter image description here

when I click on the "plus" sign at the top of the line, the following message box appears

enter image description here

and I don't understand the point yet.

Can anyone explain to me what the red or orange lines mean and the message that appears? And, what should I do to fix it?

Thank you in advance.

39 Replies

What do you mean by

Point[{Va, En}]

Here Va and En are not defined!

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

No, you did not define them. There they are variables to be used by ContourPlot, and as far as I know they are local to the plot-routine. So in your Point statement both have no value. Look at your error message, there appears En , without a value of course.

Try your ContourPlot without Point[{Va, En}] and there will be no error.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

Your function f[En_ ] is defined strangely. All those subexpressions k, p, q, A, B, H go into the function body and Va and En remain as variables/parameters. Hence f should be defined as f[] or better f[Va_ , En_ ].

If you want to get the value of f at some point {Va0, En0} just evaluate f[Va0, En0].

I have recoded your code and changed a little:

  • Everything into a Block.

For the function definition:

  • Added Symbol c just for readability.
  • Changed the Arguments of f to f[Va_ ,En_ ].
  • Added Evaluate[Simplify[...]] to the function body for better performance.

For function values:

  • Added a Table with some values of f. Real and imaginary parts as a column.

For the contour plot:

  • Increased PlotPoints
  • Added MaxRecursion
  • Omitted Epilog
  • Changed PlotLegends
  • Omitted AxesOrigin
  • Added FrameLabel

This gives:

If[True, Block[{En, Va, Vb, c, k, p, q, A, B, H, a, b, f, tab, t},
   (* Define function *)
   c = 137.036;
   Vb = 50000;
   k = Sqrt[En^2 - c^4]/c; 
   p = Sqrt[(En + c^2 - Va) (En - c^2 - Va)]/c; 
   q = Sqrt[(En + c^2 - Vb) (En - c^2 - Vb)]/c; 
   A = Sqrt[(En - c^2)/(En + c^2)]; 
   B = Sqrt[(En - c^2 - Vb)/(En + c^2 - Vb)]; 
   H = Sqrt[(En - c^2 - Va)/(En + c^2 - Va)]; a = 0.01; b = 0.02; 
   f[Va_, En_] := Evaluate[Simplify[
        (((A + H)^2)*((A + B)^2*E^(2*I*(k*(a - b) - p*a)) - (A - B)^2*
              E^(-2*I*(k*(a - b) - p*a))) + ((A - H)^2)*((A - B)^2*
              E^(-2*I*(k*(a - b) + p*a)) - (A + B)^2*
              E^(2*I*(k*(a - b) + p*a))) + 
          2*(A^2 - B^2)*(A^2 - H^2)*(E^(2*I*p*a) - E^(-2*I*p*a))))]];
   If[False, Print[f[Va, En]]];

   (* Print a table with function-values *)
   tab = Table[Column[Round[ReIm[f[Va, En]], 0.01], Center]
     , {Va, 0, 50000, 5000}, {En, 30000, 70000, 4000}];
      {Prepend[Range[30000, 70000, 4000], "Va\\En:"]},
      Join[Transpose[{Range[0, 50000, 5000]}], tab, 2]], 
     Dividers -> {{2 -> True}, {2, True}}]];

   (* Show real and imaginary part of function-values *)
   Print[ContourPlot[{Re[f[Va, En]], Im[f[Va, En]]}, {Va, 0, 
      50000}, {En, 30000, 70000},
     PlotRange -> All,
     PlotPoints -> {50, 40}, MaxRecursion -> 2,
     FrameLabel -> {"Va", "En"}, PlotLegends -> {"Re(f)", Im["f"]},
     Epilog -> {(*Black,PointSize[0.025],Point[{Va,En}]*)}]];

enter image description here enter image description here

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

By the way: The function becomes more vivid if you plot it in 3D:

(* Show real and imaginary part of function-values in 3D *)
Print[Plot3D[{Re[f[Va, En]], Im[f[Va, En]]}, {Va, 0, 50000}, {En, 
    30000, 70000},
   PlotRange -> {All, All, Automatic},
   PlotPoints -> {50, 40}, MaxRecursion -> 2,
   AxesLabel -> {"Va", "En"}, PlotLegends -> {"Re(f)", Im["f"]}]];

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

Point 1: My mistake

First of all remove the Evaluate within my definition of f. This is not correct. It does not change the function values but the contour-plot. The plots now look like (To get the same colors for real and imaginary parts in both plots I added explicit colors cols={RGBColor[0.4, 0.7, 1], RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]} for ContourStyle and PlotStyle): enter image description here

Point 2: Strange table-values

I don't understand why your table does not show values like mine. Maybe executing a Clear["Global'*"] might help.

BTW: It is never a good idea to use symbols starting with uppercase letters. Your Va and En shoul better read va and en.

Point 3: Global function definition

For not repeating the definition of function f again and again, I define it as global now. (This could be simplified for avoiding the same calculations over and over again). You must execute this one times:

f[Va_, En_] := 
  Module[{Vb = 50000, a = 0.01, b = 0.02, c = 137.036, k, p, q, A, B, 
   k = Sqrt[En^2 - c^4]/c; 
   p = Sqrt[(En + c^2 - Va)*(En - c^2 - Va)]/c; 
   q = Sqrt[(En + c^2 - Vb)*(En - c^2 - Vb)]/c; 
   A = Sqrt[(En - c^2)/(En + c^2)]; 
   B = Sqrt[(En - c^2 - Vb)/(En + c^2 - Vb)]; 
   H = Sqrt[(En - c^2 - Va)/(En + c^2 - Va)];
      (((A + H)^2)*((A + B)^2*E^(2*I*(k*(a - b) - p*a)) - (A - B)^2*
            E^(-2*I*(k*(a - b) - p*a))) + ((A - H)^2)*((A - B)^2*
            E^(-2*I*(k*(a - b) + p*a)) - (A + B)^2*
            E^(2*I*(k*(a - b) + p*a))) + 
        2*(A^2 - B^2)*(A^2 - H^2)*(E^(2*I*p*a) - E^(-2*I*p*a))))]

Our program now looks like:

If[True, Block[{En, Va, tab, 
    cols = {RGBColor[0.4, 0.7, 1], RGBColor[1, 0.5, 0]}},
   (* Define function; f is defined globally *)
   If[False, Print[f[Va, En]]];

   (* Print a table with function-values *)
   tab = Table[Column[Round[ReIm[f[Va, En]], 0.01], Center]
     , {Va, 0, 50000, 5000}, {En, 30000, 70000, 4000}];
      {Prepend[Range[30000, 70000, 4000], "Va\\En:"]},
      Join[Transpose[{Range[0, 50000, 5000]}], tab, 2]],
     Dividers -> {{2 -> True}, {1 -> True, 2 -> True}}]];

   (* Show real and imaginary part of function-values *)
   Print[ContourPlot[{Re[f[Va, En]], Im[f[Va, En]]}, {Va, 0, 
      50000}, {En, 30000, 70000},
     PlotRange -> All,
     ContourStyle -> cols,
     PlotPoints -> {50, 40}, MaxRecursion -> 2,
     FrameLabel -> {"Va", "En"}, PlotLegends -> {"Re(f)", "Im(f)"}
   (* Show real and imaginary part of function-values in 3D *)
   Print[Plot3D[{Re[f[Va, En]], Im[f[Va, En]]}, {Va, 0, 50000}, {En, 
      30000, 70000},
     PlotRange -> {All, All, Automatic},
     PlotStyle -> cols,
     PlotPoints -> {50, 40}, MaxRecursion -> 2,
     AxesLabel -> {"Va", "En"}, PlotLegends -> {"Re(f)", "Im(f)"}

Point 4: Your actual problem

If I understand you correctly, you are looking for the solution of Re[ f[va0, En] ] == h0 for any given value of va0 and h0.

First of all we redraw the contour- and 3D plots of the real part and add some more information on it including the desired va0 and h0 values.

In addition we draw another plot with the sections Re[ f[va0, En] ] of our function for the desired va0 values.

If[True, Block[{En, Va, va0s, cntVa0s, h0s, cntH0s, prVa = {0, 50000},
     prEn = {30000, 70000}, prEnL = 6000, col},
   (* Desired Va values and function heights *)
   va0s = Range[First[prVa], Last[prVa], 10000]; 
   cntVa0s = Length[va0s];
   h0s = {-1, -0.5, -0.25, -0.125, -0.075, 0, 0.075, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5,
      1}; cntH0s = Length[h0s];
   (* Show real part Re(f) of function values *)
   Print[ContourPlot[Re[f[Va, En]]
     , {Va, First[prVa], Last[prVa]}, {En, First[prEn], Last[prEn]},
     PlotRange -> All,
     Contours -> h0s, ContourLabels -> True,
     ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
     PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
     FrameLabel -> (Style[#, Black, Larger] & /@ {"Va", "En"}),
     PlotLegends -> Automatic,
     PlotLabel -> Style["Re[ f[Va, En] ] contour", Black, Bold],
     Epilog -> {Darker[Green], Thin, 
       Line[{{#, First[prEn]}, {#, Last[prEn]}} & /@ va0s]}
   (* Show real part Re(f) of function values in 3D *)
   Print[Plot3D[Re[f[Va, En]]
     , {Va, First[prVa], Last[prVa]}, {En, First[prEn], Last[prEn]},
     PlotRange -> {All, All, Automatic},
     ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
     PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
     AxesLabel -> (Style[#, Black, Larger] & /@ {"Va", "En", "Re(f)"}),
     PlotLegends -> Automatic,
     PlotLabel -> Style["Re[ f[Va, En] ]", Black, Bold]
   (* Show sections through Re(f) at the points va0 *)
   col[va_] := 
    Hue[2/3 + (0 - 2/3)/(Last[prVa] - First[prVa])*(va - First[prVa])];
   Print[Plot[Evaluate[Table[Re[f[va0, En]], {va0, va0s}]]
     , {En, First[prEn], Last[prEn]},
     PlotRange -> {prEn - {prEnL, 0}, Automatic}, 
     AxesOrigin -> {First[prEn], 0},
     PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
     PlotStyle -> (col[#] & /@ va0s),
     Frame -> True, 
     FrameLabel -> (Style[#, Black, Larger] & /@ {"En", 
         "Re[f[va0, En]]"}),
     PlotLegends -> (Style[Row[{"va0 = ", #}], 10] & /@ va0s), 
     PlotLabels -> 
      Placed[va0s, {Scaled[#/10], Above} & /@ Range[cntVa0s]],
     PlotLabel -> 
      Style["Sections Re[ f[va0, En] ], va0 \[Element] va0s", Black, 
     ImageSize -> Scaled[0.85], AspectRatio -> 5/4,
     Epilog -> {Darker[Green], Thin,
       Line[{{First[prEn] - prEnL, #}, {Last[prEn], #}} & /@ h0s],
          Style[Row[{"h0 = ", #}], 10, ![enter image description here][2]
           Background -> White], {First[prEn] - prEnL/2, #}, {0, 
           0}] & /@ h0s}

enter image description here

enter image description here

Then we solve the equations Re[ f[va0, En] ] == h0 for some given values va0 an h0. We define a new global function r[Va_ ,En_ ] for the simplified real part Re[ f[va0, En] ].

Solve is not able to solve that, hence we use NSolve. But this does not terminate within reasonable time (Interrupt wit Alt+.).

So we try to find solutions with FindRoot, which takes an approximation per solution. We roughly lookup the approximations in the previous section-plot. They are given as an association solApproxs = <| {va0,h0} -> {En01, En02, ...}, ... |>. For each {va0,h0}-pair there is a list with zero to n En-approximations. Note: I defined only some solution approximations, not all of them.

In the same way, we collect the solutions within an association sols = <| {va0,h0} -> {En1, En2, ...}, ... |> for later use. For each {va0,h0}-pair there is a list with zero to n En-solutions.

Finally we draw our contour- and section plot again exactly like before, but with the solutions marked by points.

r[Va_, En_] := Simplify[Re[f[Va, En]]];

If[True, Block[{test = False, En, Va, va0s, cntVa0s, h0s, cntH0s, 
    prVa = {0, 50000}, prEn = {30000, 70000}, prEnL = 6000, 
    solApproxs, approxs, sols, sol, col, va0},
   (* Desired Va values and function heights *)
   va0s = Range[First[prVa], Last[prVa], 10000]; 
   cntVa0s = Length[va0s];
   h0s = {-1, -0.5, -0.25, -0.125, -0.075, 0, 0.075, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5,
      1}; cntH0s = Length[h0s];

   (* From the plots take some approximations of the solutions for \
{va0,h0} *)
   solApproxs = <|{50000, 1} -> {36000, 44000, 59000, 65000}, {50000, 
       0.5} -> {37000, 43000, 59000, 65000}, {50000, 0} -> {38000, 
       41000, 61000, 63000},
     {20000, 0} -> {34000, 37000, 46000, 53000, 62000, 65000},
     {10000, 1} -> {68000}, {10000, 0.5} -> {33000, 36000, 
       67000}, {10000, 0} -> {33000, 40000, 49000, 59000, 66000}|>;

   (* Solve the equations Re[f[va0,En]] \[Equal] 
   h0 for given values va0 and h0. *)
   (* Collect the solutions within sols *)
   sols = 
     Flatten[Table[{va0, h0} -> {}, {va0, va0s}, {h0, h0s}]]];
   Do[(* va0 *)
    If[test && ! MemberQ[{50000, 20000, 10000}, va0], Continue[]];
    Do[(* h0 *)
     If[test && ! MemberQ[{1, 0.5, 0(*,-0.075*)}, h0], Continue[]];
      Style[Row[{"Solving for va0 = ", va0, ", h0 = ", h0}], Blue, 
     (* sol=Solve[r[va0,En]\[Equal]h0,En]; does not work *)
     does not terminate *)
     approxs = solApproxs[{va0, h0}];
      Print["No approximation known!"]
      Do[(* approx *)
        sol = FindRoot[r[va0, En] == h0, {En, approx}];
        If[test, Echo[{approx, sol}, "{approx,sol}: "]];
        AppendTo[sols[{va0, h0}], En /. First[sol]]
        , {approx, approxs}];
     (* just for beauty *)
     sols[{va0, h0}] = Sort[DeleteDuplicates[sols[{va0, h0}]]];
     Print[Row[{"Solutions En = ", sols[{va0, h0}]}]]
     , {h0, h0s}]
    , {va0, va0s}];
   If[test && False, 
    Print["All solutions En =\n", Column[Normal[sols]]]];

   (* Show real part Re(f) of function values with solutions marked *)

   Print[ContourPlot[r[Va, En]
     , {Va, First[prVa], Last[prVa]}, {En, First[prEn], Last[prEn]},
     PlotRange -> All,
     Contours -> h0s, ContourLabels -> True,
     ColorFunction -> "TemperatureMap",
     PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
     FrameLabel -> (Style[#, Black, Larger] & /@ {"Va", "En"}),
     PlotLegends -> Automatic,
     PlotLabel -> Style["Re[ f[Va, En] ] contour", Black, Bold],
     Epilog -> {Darker[Green], Thin, 
       Line[{{#, First[prEn]}, {#, Last[prEn]}} & /@ va0s],
           sols[{va0, h0}] != {}, {va0, #} & /@ sols[{va0, h0}], 
           Nothing], {va0, va0s}, {h0, h0s}], 2]]}
   (* Show sections through Re(f) at the points va0 with solutions \
marked *)
   col[va_] := 
    Hue[2/3 + (0 - 2/3)/(Last[prVa] - First[prVa])*(va - First[prVa])];
   Print[Plot[Evaluate[Table[r[va0, En], {va0, va0s}]]
     , {En, First[prEn], Last[prEn]},
     PlotRange -> {prEn - {prEnL, 0}, Automatic}, 
     AxesOrigin -> {First[prEn], 0},
     PerformanceGoal -> "Quality",
     PlotStyle -> (col[#] & /@ va0s),
     Frame -> True, 
     FrameLabel -> (Style[#, Black, Larger] & /@ {"En", 
         "Re[f[va0, En]]"}),
     PlotLegends -> (Style[Row[{"va0 = ", #}], 10] & /@ va0s), 
     PlotLabels -> 
      Placed[va0s, {Scaled[#/10], Above} & /@ Range[cntVa0s]],
     PlotLabel -> 
      Style["Sections Re[ f[va0, En] ], va0 \[Element] va0s", Black, 
     ImageSize -> Scaled[0.85], AspectRatio -> 5/4,
     Epilog -> {Darker[Green], Thin,
       Line[{{First[prEn] - prEnL, #}, {Last[prEn], #}} & /@ h0s],
          Style[Row[{"h0 = ", #}], 10, 
           Background -> White], {First[prEn] - prEnL/2, #}, {0, 
           0}] & /@ h0s,
       {va0 = #; col[va0],

              sols[{va0, h0}] != {}, {#, h0} & /@ sols[{va0, h0}], 
              Nothing], {h0, h0s}], 1]]} & /@ va0s }

enter image description here

enter image description here

I think, your problem is solved by this approach. At least numerically. I don't know if there is a closed analytical solution. Probably one would have to simplify the function significantly manually. With Simplify it is still too complicated.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

BTW: The method with GetCoordinates mentioned above by Hans is perfect for picking the approximations from the section-plot:

  • Right click into the section plot and select GetCoordinates
  • For all cross sections of a curve with va0 with a horizontal line h0:
    • Click on the cross section point
    • Ctrl+C
  • Create a new empty input cell
    • Ctrl+V
    • Add "{va0, h0}->" in front of the list
    • Enclose the right hand side list rhs into Round[ Flatten[ rhs[[All,1]] ], 10] (or Round[...,1])
  • Execute the cell. The output is exactly what you need as an element of solApproxs. You can copy it as Plain Text and paste it into the definition of solApproxs.
POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

Va is in the range 0 to 50000.

En is the value I want to find and is in the range 30000 to 70000.

I define Va and En in the form {Va, 0, 50000}, {En, 30000, 70000}, located in line with the code "ContourPlot {bla bla bla"

Posted 3 years ago

Oh. Yes. You are right, Sir. I've tried it and the error notification doesn't appear anymore. Thank you very much.

And then, from the resulting graph, when I point to a point on the line "Real" or "Imaginary" in the graph, a long equation will appear where Va and En are still variables, not values. What should I do if I want to find the value at the point of intersection between Va (horizontal axis) and En (vertical axis)?


Go with the pointer unto your plot, then do a right mouse-click, a window opens. click Get Cooridinates and you can chose any region of the plot with your mouse.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

Extraordinary. Thank you for the reply and explanation, Sir. This really helps increase my knowledge.

The function f [En_] is indeed oddly defined and very complicated, in my opinion. At first, I tried to separate the calculations by defining Va as only one value, which is only 0, only 10000, up to 50000 only, in order to find the values ​​of En when Va=0, when Va=10000, until when Va = 50000. However, the graph also ends up fragmentary, even though I want the graph that appears to be a graph of the relationship between Va and En, where Va has a value range of 0 to 50000. Finally, I have the idea to combine it by writing Va as in my coding above and it appears graph of the relationship between Va and En.

I've tried running the coding you provide, but I don't understand why the result in my notebook looks like this.

enter image description here

Actually here my problem is to find the value of En when the value of Va has been determined, which is 0 to 50000. As I stated in the previous question, I want to find the value of En at the point of intersection between Va (horizontal axis) and En (vertical axis) ). I mean this, when I select a point on the horizontal axis (Va), for example 30000, then I drag the line up until it meets the blue "Real" line, and I stop at that point (let's call it the second point), what is the En value at the second point? then I draw the line up again until it meets the blue line "Real" again and I stop there (let's call it the third point), what is the value of En in the third point? Like that I mean.

Is my question explanation and meaning too difficult to understand? And, how do you write it in coding? Should Va be defined at the beginning of coding?

Posted 3 years ago

Can the coordinate values be written together in a table, Sir?


Do as said above (GetCoordinates), move to the point of interest, then left mouse-click, then Ctrl-C, then same procedure at the next point and so on. Finally move to an empty cell and use Ctrl-V. A list of the points chosen will appear. You can of course give it a name: type for example pts = Ctrl-V

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

As Werner pointed out your f[En_] is somewhat strange.

Type for example (after your code has run) f[50000]. What do you get?

What about telling us what exactly your problem is. Perhaps there is an alternative way to find a solution?

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

Yes, I understand what you mean and have tried it.

Thank you, Sir.

Posted 3 years ago

Thank you very much also Mr. Werner Geiger. I will try to understand the description that you give. This really adds to my knowledge, who is new to using Wolfram Mathematica.

Well, as Hans asked in his reply to this question, about what if I tell you what my problem really is, I'll tell you.

So, I have a transcendental complex equation and its variables which I mention as my initial coding. Then I coded it to bring up the plot and found the result I was looking for. The reference plot that I want to make is like the following image,

enter image description here

However, the plot that I produce from my coding is still very much different from the shape of the image I want. Here's a plot of the results of my coding

enter image description here

I have the assumption that the plot line that matches my reference plot is the blue plot line, that is, the plot of the "Real" section. Then I tried again to make a new plot by removing the coding leading to the "Imaginary" section so that the resulting plot was "Real" only. However, an error appears in the output. After I saw the coding given by Werner Geiger, it turned out that it was quite complicated to use the coding used to bring up the "Real" only, not as simple as my assumption which was only by deleting the codes that referred to the "Imaginary" section.

Furthermore, in my reference plot, there are points along the lines which I will write in tabular form as follows.

enter image description here

The values ​​in the table are En values. That's why I initially asked about how to find the value of En at the point where Va intersects with En, or the value of En on the blue line ("Real") on the plot.

Related to simplifying a function manually, I have tried to simplify or convert it in trigonometric form so that it can be separated between the Real part and the Imaginary part. However, the form of the equation is still complicated, in my opinion. So that the equation that I use in my coding is still the original equation, not the one in trigonometric form.

Like this is actually my problem. I'm having a hard time plotting the results for solving the equation and writing the values ​​down in a table.


Thanks for your explanation. But I still do not understand what you want to do. Given your function

f [ En, Va ]

do you want those En and Va where

Re [ f [ En, Va ] ] == 0

as Werner pointed out or

Re [ f [ En, Va ] ] == Im [ f [ En, Va ] ]

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

I apologize if my explanation is not understandable, Sir.

It's shorter like this:

I have a transcendental complex equation:

T := (E^(I*q*b)/(16*A^2*B*
       H) (((A + H)^2) ((A + B)^2*
          E^(2*I (k (a - b) - p*a)) - (A - B)^2*
          E^(-2*I (k (a - b) - p*a))) + ((A - H)^2) ((A - B)^2*
          E^(-2*I (k (a - b) + p*a)) - (A + B)^2*
          E^(2*I (k (a - b) + p*a))) + 
      2 (A^2 - B^2) (A^2 - H^2) (E^(2*I*p*a) - E^(-2*I*p*a))));

or in the form of a picture is as follows

enter image description here

I consider the T function to be f[En_] because the value I want to find is the value of En.

The known variables are:

c = 137.036;
Vb = 50000;
a = 0.01;
b = 0.02;
k = Sqrt[En^2 - c^4]/c; 
p = Sqrt[(En + c^2 - Va) (En - c^2 - Va)]/c; 
q = Sqrt[(En + c^2 - Vb) (En - c^2 - Vb)]/c; 
A = Sqrt[(En - c^2)/(En + c^2)]; 
B = Sqrt[(En - c^2 - Vb)/(En + c^2 - Vb)]; 
H = Sqrt[(En - c^2 - Va)/(En + c^2 - Va)];

The transcendental complex equation is solved using Wolfram Mathematica and the solution is shown in the form of a plot and table that looks like the following.

enter image description here


enter image description here

What I want is to know the coding used to get the plot and table results as I show them. How?


Yeah, but what do you mean by

The transcendental complex equation is solved using Wolfram Mathematica

There is no equation. You give only a definition of T. What is the condition?

Re [ f [ En, Va ] ] == 0

or Re [ f [ En, Va ] ] == Im [ f [ En, Va ] ]

or something else?

And what do the n 's signify in your table? Your problem is still not clear.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

Yes Hans is correct. You do not have an equation. You have an expression (which is only one side of an equation). You are defining a variable f[En,Va] with that expression. You need to show the original problem from the textbook or source that you have because you are missing elements in your questions that will allow us to give you a complete solution. The problem itself does not seem overly difficult, but there does seem to be missing information.

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 3 years ago

Again: Why you cannot explain your problem?

What seems to be shure: You have a complex expression, named T above. It is dependent on two Variables Va and En (which I assume to be real). Hence you have the function f(Va, En) = T.

In Mathematica this is

f[Va_,En_] := Module[{...},
    (* Do all the calculations until T *)
    (* I have given the coding in my post dated 28.02.2021 under "Point 3" *)
    (* Return T *)

Do you agree so far?

Now: Which problem, i.e. which equations do you want to solve? I assumed that you want to solve

Re[f[va0,En]] == h0

for any given {va0, h0}-pair of real values and I gave you the complete numerical solution and programm. See "Point 4" in my post dated 28.02.2021.

Obviously this is not your problem.

You now came up with some "reference plot" and a table with some values. Both contain some integer value n which can be even or odd. This n never appeared before and I have no idea what it is, what it has to do with your T and which problem is showed in your reference plot and table.

Is it really such difficult to explain, what you want to do?

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger

@Affaa Nam, posting a question with unclear details and/or purpose can make others confused and will result in unwanted responses. Please take time to think through the answers and suggestions offered by other members here. If you are still in need of an assistance, then make sure you pinpoint your problem and state it as clearly as possible so that others will have a decent chance to assist.

POSTED BY: Moderation Team
Posted 3 years ago

I have said that

I consider the definition of T to be a function of f[En_], because the value I want to find is the value of En

The initial condition is

f [ En, Va ] = Re [ f [ En, Va ] ] + Im [ f [ En, Va ] ] = 0

As it turned out, after the plot was formed, only the plot of the "Real" section was similar to the plot in my reading source. So, I think the condition changed to

Re [ f [ En, Va ] ] = 0.

n in my table means the energy level, because the En variable I meant from the start is actually the eigen / energy value. However, I also do not understand how to generate it from a Wolfram Mathematica encoding result. I had thought that maybe the results obtained from the Wolfram Mathematica coding were only in the form of a plot, while the table was created manually by entering the specified coordinate values.

Maybe I need to tell you that I encountered this problem when I read an article / journal, then I tried to study it and found the incomprehension that I asked about. What if I tell / send the journal / article that I am studying so you can understand what I mean and my problem becomes clear? :(

POSTED BY: Updating Name
Posted 3 years ago

I'm really sorry that my question got confused.

This is the text / resource I am currently studying and I am having trouble with it. The equation I mean is in Chapter II, Section B, more precisely equation (24) and its components are in equations (12) to (17). While the results to be obtained are in chapter III, in plots and tables.


T=0 is the equation for the bound states. You use this equation to you solve for En. When you solve for En, you will have multiple solutions because of the periodic nature of sin waves. So you're solution will be an expression in integer values of n. You can use this solution to build that table. Werner Geiger's original contour plot is correct. It is most likely the plot where n=0.

POSTED BY: John Baxter
Posted 3 years ago

How do I get an expression with the integer value n in the solution or plot? Will it be the same or close to the plot in the source of my journal?

Posted 3 years ago

I have got this picture, how do I mark the point of intersection between the blue and black lines as the green mark / point on the chart shown by Werner Geiger?

enter image description here

I'm sorry for my limited knowledge of programming / coding so I keep asking questions.

Posted 3 years ago

If you have the coordinates ps = {{va, En}, ...} of the points and their labels lbls you can can mark them with "Point" and label them with "Inset" within the plot' s Epilog . As an example :

Block[{f1, f2, x, y, cnt, ps, lbls},
  (* Define two functions(x) *)
  f1[x_] := x^2;
  f2[x_] := 1/2 + x/4;
  (* Calculate the cross section points *)
  sol = Solve[y == f1[x] == f2[x], {x, y}, Reals];
  ps = {x, y} /. sol;
  cnt = Length[ps];
  (* Build labels for those points *)
  lbls = Row[{"P", #}] & /@ Range[cnt];
  Print["Solution points and labels {ps,lbls} = ", 
   Column[{N[ps], lbls}]];
  (* Plot it *)
   Plot[{f1[x], f2[x]}, {x, -1, 1},
    Epilog -> {
      (* The points *)
      PointSize[Large], Point[ps],
      (* The labels *)
       Inset[Style[lbls[[i]], Bold, Larger], ps[[i]], {2, 2}], {i, 

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

However, I only have one function with two variables, namely f[En_, Va_].

Posted 3 years ago

OMG! Of course my mini-example has nothing to do with your problem. You asked how to mark and label points in some plot, and I told you.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

I asked how to mark and label points in the plots that I indicate, not in other plots :)

enter image description here

Posted 3 years ago

Hence you did not ask for marking points, but for finding them, i.e. solving your problem. See my post dated 01.03.2021, "Point 4: Your actual problem". There I gave you complete answer and coding.

BTW: Meanwhile I read your original paper and found that:

  1. Your function definition seems to be wrong.
  2. Your problem posing is definetly wrong.

I have resumed work on your problem and collected everything in a notebook. I will soon come up with a post that includes this notebook. It will solve your problem completely and correctly.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger

I think as well that the problem posing is wrong.

In the paper it is explicitly asked for T11 = 0 . T11 is a complex number, so it must simultaneously be Re[ T11 ] = Im[ T11 ] = 0.

As far as I see the function f[ En, Va ] does not contain this condition.

And I think there is a bug in the paper. An expression for T11 is given, but I think it is T22 in fact.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

Very interesting post and notebook DiracKasten1.nb. Of course you are right concerning the problem posing. We search for solutions of the complex equations of T11 == 0, not Re[T11] == 0 as Affaa told us originally.

I did not check whether T11 should be T22. I believe you are right. But its just naming in our context.

POSTED BY: Werner Geiger
Posted 3 years ago

Seriously ??

I will study problem solving which you will show you later.

I am very grateful in advance, Werner Geiger.

Posted 3 years ago

So, according to Hans, the expression T11 in the paper is actually T22?

However, I have tried to multiply the matrix manually (by hand) to find T11 and the result is the same as T11 in the paper.


Really? Ok. What is wrong in my notebook DiracKasten1.nb? But as Werner said, that is not really important. The task is to find Re[ T11 ] = 0 (T11 being actually T22 - or not?) and simultaneously Im[ T11 ] = 0, and I don't see that this problem is solved.

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

I also feel confused about whether this problem can be solved or not :( However, the results have been shown in the journal. And, Werner also said that he had work on this problem and collected everything in a notebook. Then he will soon come up with a post that includes this notebook.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

However, the results have been shown in the journal

But they don't say how they got their results. With the help of Mathematica. Wow. They should have described what they did (or publish a code).

I think you should contact the author(s) and ask them (and direct their attention to this thread).

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
Posted 3 years ago

Yes, you are right, Hans. They just say "The transcendental complex equation (28) has been solved with the use of MATHEMATICA". But they don't publish the code they use to get the results.

I have also tried to contact the author to ask about this through the email address listed in the journal, but to no avail, there has not been an email reply from the author.

And, by the way, @Werner Geiger are you going to make a post about solving this problem like you said a few days ago?

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