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Style Name for Output of ExternalLanguage Cell?

Posted 3 years ago

I'm working on a custom stylesheet and have hit a snag. For a cell of type ExternalLanguage, Python code successfully executes and is styled the way that I want. However, the output needs work. I've looked around and cannot find the cell type of the output. It doesn't match my Output style.

Q: Does anyone know the StyleData name I need to use to style the output of an ExternalLanguage cell?

Thank you!!

Screenshot of Python code and output

POSTED BY: Michael Harrison
2 Replies

Thank you! This is a tremendous help.

POSTED BY: Michael Harrison
Posted 3 years ago

Try showing the "Cell Expression". It is the last item in the Cell menu.

For an input cell with "abc", the Cell Expression is:

 RowBox[{"abc", "\[IndentingNewLine]"}]], "Input",
 CellChangeTimes->{{3.824639412232563*^9, 3.8246394158431997`*^9}},

The second argument to Cell[] is the style.

Just remember to change it back once you learn what you want to learn.

POSTED BY: Mike Besso
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