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Designing and building the world's largest (amateur) electromagnet

Posted 4 years ago
5 Replies

Thanks a lot! Now it works.

POSTED BY: Oliver Ruessing
Posted 3 years ago

Those functions are defined in the "Manipulate Code" section. Rather than copy/paste, click on the "Make Your Own Copy" button at the bottom left of the original post. It will create a copy in your Wolfram Cloud account.

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

Seems pretty cool. But when I try to copy-paste the first piece of code (for Multi-Coil Homogenous Electromagnets) into my Wolfram Cloud Notebook, the resulting Manipulate is pretty messed up. Possibly because WireResistance[], WireThickness[] and WireCost[] are not defined functions?

They seem to come back un-evaluated, and then distort everything else. Feedback welcome.

POSTED BY: Oliver Ruessing

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