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How to access a private paclet server on GitHub?

As far as I spleunked, neither PacletSiteRegister nor PacletSiteUpdate accept Authentication or "Headers" options, which are required to access a private remote server. Furthermore, neither of them actually accept HTTPRequest instead of an url as first argument. A paclet server set up in a private GitHub repository requires the following code to access the file:

   <|"Headers" -> {"Authorization" -> "token " <> myToken}|>]

Assuming that the user has access to the pre-set myToken (in this case, a Personal Authentication Token), this works. Howeverm, I have no way to pass on authentication details to PacletSiteRegister or PacletSiteUpdate. I understand that a private repo goes somewhat against the idea of a public paclet server, but due to legal considerations, I have to maintain privacy and only allow access to new paclets to colleagues that I share the authentication details with.

Is there a way to solve this issue robustly?

Is WRI planning on extending the PacletSite* functionality with all relevant options (i.e. those avaliable for URLSave or URLDownload)?

POSTED BY: Istvan Zachar

This thread is helpful as I have need to setup a private Paclet site on GitHub so that collaborators are able to test daily updates in the Paclet. Is the advice here still current for Mathematica 13.3, or better yet, is there a specific Wolfram Tech Note or other tutorial to walk me through the steps for deploying a private Paclet server on GitHub?

POSTED BY: Chase Turner
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