{{y-> InterpolatingFunction[{{0.,30.}},<>]}}
f[x_]:=Evaluate[y[x] /. s]
Dear All,
I am trying to get the output of a numerical solution to a differential euqation as shown in the example above. As usual I defined the function f using the Evaluate function to get the outpout from the resulting interpolating function. I notice that when substiuting a numerical value for the indepdenent variable, the output is surrounded by a curly bracket suggesting that the output is a list.
Although the presence of the curly brackets doesn't seem to affect functions like Plot[f, {x,0,30}], I notice that it is causing me some trouble when I try to use output of the function f in other computations like in parametric plot or in peicewise functions. Please advise how to remove the curly brackets from this output?