I asked Wolfram in 2020 if they plan to port Mathematica to Windows 10 on ARM64. The answer came from salespeople and was vaguely NO. In November 2020 came x64 emulator for these Windows in Insiders Preview. I have Surface Pro X with SQ1 processor but do not have (yet) Insiders´ version of Windows. There are mixed opinions on x64 emulator, some software runs in it, some crashes, some does not even start. I have recently been shown Matlab 2021a running in x64 emulator, same for SPSS 64-bit software. The architecture of Mathematica is quite different from all these software by having a kernel which is architecture and OS optimized.
- Anybody of you tried with a success running Mathematica in Surface Pro X (or any other ARM64 Windows 10 computer) in x64 emulator?
- If, so is it stable, or crashes or have some limitations? I may understand that GPU running will not work, but I can live without it.
- Any known plans of Wolfram to port Mathematica to ARM64 Windows 10 (or M1 Mac, where I heard that Mathematica runs well under their emulator, except of shell scripts)?
If there is positive answer for question 1 and 2, I will install Windows Insiders´ Preview. Regards Marcin