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Rotating a 3D graphic in GiF?

Posted 3 years ago

The 3D graphic in this discussion
How are these being rotated and gif getting created? Is there a code available for that?

POSTED BY: pki sig
13 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

Yohoo, its started to work ....for a single ornament, when I am trying other types of polygon, it cutting the edges, is there a way to increase the background size (padding). Attached is sample sample

POSTED BY: pki sig

So far so good!

[...] is there a way to increase the background size (padding) [...]

Try using / experiment with ExportRotatingGIF -- it has good examples and documentation of finding viewpoints, padding, etc.

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Posted 3 years ago

Thanks a ton, let me give it a try ....really appreciate this.

POSTED BY: Updating Name

Good luck! (Post here if you get any interesting results...)

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov

I attached to this reply a notebook with code that produces animations of mandala-texturized polyhedrons. (I show how use both WFR's ExportRotatingGIF and my own custom function I used in the original post.)

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Posted 3 years ago

Have you already seen ExportRotatingGIF from the Wolfram Function repository?


Well, no, I haven't and, damn, I have to redo the notebook I was preparing for my answer to this community question!

Thanks for sharing!

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Posted 3 years ago

Thanks, I will keep it in mind. I tried in so many ways to get the desired results but in 3D plot we need a variable like x y z or any expression to plot 3D rotated plot. In my case, there is no such variable or expression

Will wait for @antononcube for a sample code so I don't pull my hair out.

POSTED BY: pki sig

@pki sig , welcome to Wolfram Community! Please make sure you know the rules:

The comments that are not directly related to the discussions should be posted as new discussions. Please post the code of your own effort and also check documentation for examples. Programatic rotation of a 3D graphic is discussed in the documentation here:

Also Anton already posted other links containing similar code (thank you Anton).


I will find and post the actual code I used... But I know I reused code by halirutan in See:

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
Posted 3 years ago

Appreciate the quick reply, will wait for the code as I have been struggling since days using various methods ....sigh.

POSTED BY: pki sig
Posted 3 years ago

Anton, pls let me know if you were able to find the sample code ...thanks in advance.

POSTED BY: pki sig

Well, it turned out that it is not a trivial exercise 1) to make that code produce nice results with the newest Mathematica version, and 2) retrace and explain all of its computational ingredients.

The latter also explains why I have not published that 3D ornaments code.

Hopefully, I will have something meaningful by tomorrow...

POSTED BY: Anton Antonov
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